Title: A Book Bound in Animal Hide
velutfortunaDisclaimer: All belongs to the great and powerful Oz JKR
Characters: Tom
Genre: Dark
Summary: Tom Riddle liked people.
This is my first time trying my hand at Tom fic, so if anyone would like to tell me whether it feels like him or not, please do.
He still remembers the itch of the sweat at his shoulder blades the first time he slipped his wand into flesh. Slowly, slowly, the layers gave way, pages of skin and blood unfolding to tell the story of a life no longer lived.
Tom Riddle liked books. There was a particular satisfaction in reaching the last page, in knowing its end.
Tom Riddle liked people. They could be read in much the same way, leaf by leaf, chapter by chapter. Right to the end.
And under strong, seeking fingers, pages peeled away and secrets had no choice but to reveal themselves.
Books were much the same as people.
Tom Riddle loved to read.