Seventh Floor, Arithmancy Classroom--Arithmancy 501 with Prof. Vector

Oct 07, 2009 03:38

All right, class, let's jump right into things.  This is Arithmancy 501.  We won't be looking into teacups reading leaves here,  Save that fancy for Divination with Trelawney.  No, Arithmancy means "number prophecy" loosely in Greek, and it a a more accurate way of predicting our future.  Number patterns exist in real life, and they can be calculated to give information regarding our future.

Not too long ago, two young boys were the center of of the greatest prophecy of them all--who was to become 'The Chosen One".  We all know the outcome, as Mr. Potter has been written into our wizarding history books.  But dare we not forget the boy who could have been, Neville Longbottom,  He fought bravely alongside Mr. Potter, and is a hero in his own right.

Thus, this week's lesson pays tribute to the sacrifices and services of one Mr. Neville Longbottom.

Round Rules:
-Icons must feature Neville Longbottom.  They may include other characters, but Mr. Longbottom must be a main focal point.
-All brushes, blends, and bases are allowed
-Animation is allowed this round
-Any caps, fanart, book art, textures, etc. are allowed for bases

Challenge Rules:
-You may submit only one (1) icon.
-All icons must be 100x100 pixels, 40 kb or less, and in GIF/PNG/JPG format
-All icons must be original and new.
-Submit your icon with both the image and the URL

-Icons must be turned in by Tuesday, October 13th at 11:59 pm US CST.
-If you have any questions,feel free to ask the Headmistress
-Have fun!


arithmancy, challenge 1, entries

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