Sixth Floor, SoAR Classroom--Study of Ancient Runes 501 with Prof. Bathsheda Babbling

Sep 16, 2009 13:47

Welcome, students!   It's so nice to see a full house this year--electives rarely do.  We've got a lot to cover, so let's get right down to business.

As you are aware, the Study of Ancient Runes is a mostly theoretical subject.  The ancient runes are an ancient alphabet of German heritage, used for writing, divination, and magic.  Runes were primarily used throughout northern Europe, Scandinavia, the British Isles, and Iceland from circa 100 B.C.E. to 1600 C.E.  There is much to be learned still about the ancient runes as the main source of our knowledge comes from visiting and scouting locations around the world for megaliths or runestones.

As one can see, traveling lands are the means to discovery and preservation of the Ancient Runes.  I like to joke that is the discovery of the ancient runes that inspired the creation of the world's other ancient ruins.  And so this week, we will put on our explorer caps and pay tribute by recognizing important magical sites where megaliths may be found.  Our first location, the Forbidden Forest.

Round Rules:
-Icons must feature THE FORBIDDEN FOREST.
-Icons may feature people, creatures, etc. besides just scenery but may take up no more than one-third of icon space. The Headmistress is flexible on this notion, but she will frown upon any icons featuring a close up of students/creatures with the forest merely being in the background seen between armpit gaps.
-All brushes, blends, and bases are allowed
-Animation is not allowed this round
-Any caps, fanart, book art, textures, etc. are allowed for bases

Challenge Rules:
-You may submit only one (1) icon.
-All icons must be 100x100 pixels, 40 kb or less, and in GIF/PNG/JPG format
-All icons must be original and new
-Submit your icon with both the image and the URL

-Icons must be turned in by Tuesday, September 22th at 11:59 pm US CST.
-If you have any questions,feel free to ask the Headmistress
-Have fun!


ancient runes, challenge 1, entries

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