Half-Blood Prince 23: Horcruxes

Jul 12, 2007 21:08

In which Harry and Dumbledore finally view Slughorn's memory, watching a reluctant Slughorn tell Riddle about the way Horcruxes work and Riddle contemplate splitting a soul into seven pieces ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

magnetic_pole July 13 2007, 01:27:19 UTC
Mmmmm. Not sure what to think about this killing Voldemort business. Still not keen on Harry killing anyone, even him. Agitated Dumbledore here, too. Not sure what to make of that, either. M.


onehundredmoons July 13 2007, 06:05:17 UTC
Agreed. I was thinking the same thing reading this chapter; I feel like the way Dumbledore framed it to Harry here was a bit out of line (the whole "even if you'd never heard the prophecy, you'd want to kill him, wouldn't you" bit). It would be a bit like Harry stooping to the level of LV and the DEs. It's why I think it's going to be much less conventional than a "killing" when it does happen in book seven...


aunty_marion July 13 2007, 12:30:37 UTC
Well, at least it follows on from the bit in OotP , where Harry asks Dumbledore if the prophecy means he has to kill LV or vice versa, and DD's answer is a simple "Yes". (Last page of Ch.37)

But I don't like the idea of Harry as a killer, either. I think Voldemort has to be DISPELLED - both in the figurative and the literal sense. He has to be deprived of all magical power and potential, and then banished utterly from this world.


magnetic_pole July 13 2007, 13:57:36 UTC
I think Voldemort has to be DISPELLED - both in the figurative and the literal sense. He has to be deprived of all magical power and potential, and then banished utterly from this world.

*ponders* I like that. M.


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