Half-Blood Prince 22: After the Burial

Jul 12, 2007 20:54

In which Harry take some Felix Felicis and heads out attends Aragog's funeral. He runs into Slughorn, who accompanies him in hopes of procuring some acromantula venom and joins Hagrid in a drink (or a few) in Aragog's memory. Lucky Harry tells Slughorn the story of his mother's death and coaxes the memory out of him.

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Comments 6

magnetic_pole July 13 2007, 01:29:30 UTC
Rather brilliant use of Felix finally, I'd say.

I continue to like the slimy Slughorn. He's just slightly unsavory, and such a good counterpoint to the Slytherins we already know. M.


onehundredmoons July 13 2007, 06:02:18 UTC
*laughs* I like Slughorn, too. He's definitely got some unsavory tendencies, but he's not bad to the bone by any stretch. He really seems to have cared for Lily too, not just because she was skilled at Potions.

Another satisfying chapter. The rapport between Hagrid and Slughorn was even charming. I'm definitely enjoying this book more this time around!


magnetic_pole July 13 2007, 14:03:15 UTC
I am, too, Lisa. I think a large part of my antipathy towards this book has to do with the lack of resolution I felt at the end. That will change soon enough. M.


aunty_marion July 13 2007, 12:22:21 UTC
Urgh. Slughorn is just out-and-out creepy. I think in any normal (Muggle) school, the Slug Club would have had him banned from teaching and probably prosecuted for 'grooming' the children!

Something I think I've seen mentioned elsewhere - why did he have to go back and change his tie? Could he have been reporting to someone about this event? I know it's sort-of in character for him - always determined to be dressed correctly for the occasion, and so on - but then he's worrying about the venom still being fresh, so you'd think he'd be in more of a rush.


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