Half-Blood Prince 21: The Unknowable Room

Jul 10, 2007 19:01

In which Harry continues to obsess over Draco's plans while trying to think of a way to get Slughorn's memory, and Tonks makes an unexpected appearance ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

magnetic_pole July 10 2007, 23:42:48 UTC
Ah, the much-discussed bit with Tonks. You know, I'm so convinced that she's under the influence of a love potion that I have a hard time reading other scenarios into this chapter. We'll see about that soon shortly, won't we?

I do hope we get more Myrtle backstory in the last book.

I like the occasional glimpse of Draco as a bullied boy as well as a bully. I'm not especially fond of Draco as a character--he tends toward the one-note--but I like the fact that I'm well aware of how Harry's POV limits my view of things. M.


elsane July 11 2007, 02:16:51 UTC
Possible clues: we are reminded by a newspaper article in this chapter that Voldemort's supporters put people under Imperius. Harry brings this incident up again when talking to Tonks.

I would love to have seen Snape's reaction to Lavender upbraiding him.

Okay, so Tonks:
(1) says she came to see Dumbledore, but is on the other side of the castle. Possibly this is just the fastest way out, but I doubt it.

(2) talks to Harry, but stops listening to him halfway through. Asks if he has had communication from anyone in the order. It may or may not be worthwhile to note the wording: from anyone, not from Lupin or from any other particular person.

(3) turns around abruptly and walks back the way she came. I am at a loss.

To me this smells like she's under some kind of magical influence.


onehundredmoons July 11 2007, 03:37:14 UTC
Agreed, it's mighty fishy. The bit that perplexes me most is that she tears up at the mention of Sirius! Now, I am WILDLY BIASED here - so let that be stated right up front - but I can't help but frame this scene from an R/S point of view. If Tonks is in love with Lupin and Lupin is MIA, why does the mention of Sirius start the waterworks? Could it be because after Sirius' death, she's seen much less of Remus? That's when Remus accepted far-off jobs because not much was tying him to London anymore?

I'm not trying to start shipping wars, ladies. I know we've at least got R/S, R/T, and Snupin folks here. Just sharing my perspective. Cheers-


elsane July 11 2007, 03:56:28 UTC
well, this is tricky -- Harry notices that her eyes are filled with tears after he says Sirius's name, but it's phrased so that it's impossible to tell exactly when those tears appeared.

Quite frankly, it's easiest for me to read this as Tonks seeking Harry out and trying to pick his brain for information that might not be public. when she says that "she's heard rumors" and so on, that sounds like prompting; when Harry replies with newspaper stories she loses interest. Then she asks after communication from anyone in the Order. When she gets nothing, she tears up and walks away. Imperio?


elsane July 11 2007, 04:09:53 UTC
I feel compelled to note that, yes, this is consistent with being worried about Lupin. But I come away with a couple of (admittedly, subjective) impressions that make me dubious about R/T explanations here: first, it seems to me that she's after more general information than just Lupin's well-being; second, her social graces are so completely out the window that she seems like someone under a compulsion of some sort.


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