Muggle world
Name: Chrissy
Age: 23
Gender: Female. -checks- Yup, defiantly female
Location: Outside of Pittsburgh, PA
Likes: Harry Potter (duh); my friends/ singing; photography; horror/comedy/Disney films; reading; writing fan fic and poetry; making graphics; watching House.
Dislikes: People who don't stand up for what they believe in; being bored; snobby people; spiders; any kind of insects.
Hobbies: Graphic making; reading; writing; role-playing; photography; singing
Strengths: Uh, does being lazy and procrastinating count? No? Okay, so my greatest strengths are being loyal, working hard, being able to make friends rather easily, and being able to stand up for what I believe in.
Fears: Insects, plain and simple. Absolutely terrified of them. Especially spiders. Just...ew. Um, also boarding and sailing on the life failboat and making the wrong decisions in life.
Weaknesses: Holding a grudge and being indecisive.
Favorite movies [no more than three]: The Shining; The Lion King; American Pie
Favorite books [no more than three]: She's Come Undone; Me Talk Pretty One Day; The Rose That Grew From the Concrete.
Favorite singer/band: Evanescence, hands down.
Where did you hear about this community? From
Wizards’ world
In which house do you think you belong? Why? I'm a Gryffinpuff through and through, so it's really hard for me to pick one or the other. But I think I'm more happy in Hufflepuff, because I think what the Helga meant when she said, "I'll take the rest, and treat them all the same." was that Hufflepuff encompasses all the houses, along with it's own characteristics. So yes, Hufflepuff for me.
In which house do you think you don’t belong at all? Why? Defiantly not Slytherin. I just don't have the ambition for it.
In which class would you shine the most? Why? It's a toss-up between Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfigurations, and Care of Magical Creatures. All in all, I'd say Defense Against the Dark Arts. Okay, so it's because my HP horoscope said (for my Gryffindor side) that all Scorpios are gravitated towards things dark and mysterious, or something along those lines. Besides that, with the new war coming up, I have to be prepared to fight and protect my friends.
Write a short paragraph about each of the following families [just state your thoughts on each of them]:
Malfoy: This family is a good examples of characters that don't change for anybody. They, along with the Blacks, are among the elite of the wizarding world. They're very one dimensional type people, the kind that you can already know what they're going to do before they do it. Though they're the necessary evil of the world, none of their actions that they do are very wrong.
Black: Ah, the Blacks. Probably the most elite purebloods ever. It's a shame that Andromeda and Sirius had to go through that torture that they call a "family". This family is the prime example that cousin-cest is okay. Everybody is everybody else's mother, father, brother, sister, or cousin, and it hurts to know what they have to go through to be able to survive.
Potter: If James and Lily had been alive and raising Harry, there's not a doubt in my mind that he would have turned out just like his father. What I'm a bit disappointed about, however, is that there's no mention about Lily's parents, and there's only a very vague description about James'.
Weasley: The Weasleys seem to be the most awesome out of all the families mentioned above. I mean, what's not to like about them? They're all Gryffinpuffs, with the exception of Percy, who I think is either a Slytherdor or a Ravendor, but the first seems to fit him more.
Remember the pensieve incident from book five? [Chapter #28: Snape's worst memory] What are your thoughts about it? I always thought that Severus had it a bit easy through life, but that slightly changed my mind. There's always rough patches in a person's life, and this was a clear example of what Snape really went through at Hogwarts.
In these hard times with a new war ahead, where are your loyalties? I'm Dumbledore's woman, through and through. I wouldn't mind working as a spy for the Order, to get the inside scoop of Voldemort's plans and report them back.