Bi-Weekly Topic: Run.

Feb 20, 2008 13:36

Who? Moony, Prongs, Padfoot, Maisie and Fluffy
What? As far as your self-control goes, as far goes your freedom. -Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
When? Wednesday night; full moon. grownhp6words timeline.
Why? ...
Author's Note: Please keep in mind that this is for mun information only unless you're one of the Marauders and the pups. Thanks!

Even if Remus looks exhausted the night of the full moon, his body is wired with spare energy that the wolf is ready to use as soon as the transformation begins. Thankfully the wait doesn't last long. He can feel it in his bones, that certain countdown his body is so used to by now until the pull of the moon is ready to take over him.

The second it all begins, he doesn't bother fighting it. Usually he would try his hardest to hold back, not allow the wolf to break through his skin, but this month it's different. This month he has been feeling trapped for so long that he needs the release; he needs to run for miles with the Marauders and their pups so he can feel normal again.

Bones break. They bend, and stretch and shatter the way they always do before they start reforming again under the stretched skin until there is a new form. That form that appears every full moon; that werewolf that is ready to go out and play now that it doesn't have to keep hiding under a human form. As always there's a strangled scream of pain and agony that escapes from his throat, because as much as he tries to hold it back he cannot bring himself to block how his body feels as if every limb is being taken apart, but the scream dies out as a howl pierces through the night.

As soon as the young wolves are ready, Moony nudges Padfoot and then Prongs, telling them they need to go. Run. They need to run and get away from things as quickly as possible. He feels trapped, so trapped and Merlin they need to run.

Then they do.

The exhaustion Remus had been showing just minutes earlier no longer exists. There's just energy; so much of it that as he runs it doesn't feel like he can run fast enough. Fluffy and Maisie run ahead of them, and like always Moony tries to outrun them; not in actual competition but just to make things interesting and fun. Padfoot is running close by them, and as Moony turns to look at him inside he just feels happy. There's freedom. There's no more walls, nothing to fight against, and there's that sense of escape from Wilkes, and prejudices, and everything else that it just makes him let out a howl again.

While running through the forest he jumps over logs of trees that are on the ground, he splashes through creeks, and he uses every obstacle as a hurdle to jump over before they can resume their run again. In mid jump, however, Moony catches sight of something. Or he thinks he does - there's bustling in some bushes close by. Then he hears some branches crunching underneath the weight of something that's moving about, and the change happens in a second.

Ten years ago, when Remus had come back from the dead, he had been terrified that the Wolfsbane potion wouldn't work on his body because he had been dead for nineteen years. The first transformation after returning there had been moments when he would blank out, even after religiously taking the potion, and he had even managed to harm himself because Moony had felt trapped and overly frustrted. On the second transformation there had been another instance when he had blanked out, and then on the third, and then the pattern had been enough for him to draw the conclusion that, while the potion worked, it didn't work how it should. Nineteen years of no transformations had done that. Nineteen years of being dead had done that. Remus knew that he should inform everyone of this, but it's something that ashames him; the fact that he does indeed turn into a beast is something that is terrible to accept. So here he is, ten years later and the potion still doesn't work completely. While running with the Marauders and the pups he would never worry, because Padfoot and Prongs had the ability to keep him controlled, and since they were the only ones that really needed to know, that particular fact had never been revealed.

Tonight that change, that shift in his mind happens in mid-jump. The past few days Moony had been territorial and predatory, making his anger flare up so easily, and now that the wolf is out and not being held back it takes this opportunity to take over. Moony exists as a whole, not some wolf with a human's mind, and as he strains to hear the noises again his eyes narrow as if trying to see something. Anything.

All it takes is some small movement, and at once Moony dashes out into a run. The forest is dark, being barely illuminated by some stray rays of moonlight that filter through the trees, but he keeps thinking he sees something.

Prey hunt eat blood food

The rage that he feels running through his veins is so familiar, so pure, and there's no holding it back. He just takes it in, he uses it to make him run faster, and with the mind of a predator he runs off into the night without checking to see if the rest are following.

Prey hunt eat blood food

He doesn't need them. He doesn't want them with him, because this prey is his. His, and no one else's.

Snarling as he runs, Moony picks up speed and runs. And he keeps running, without bother to look back.

prompt, remus lupin, fic, grownhp

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