Title: Live It Out
sunseticmonsterRecipient: The Community
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Word Count: 20,000
Rating: R
Warnings: Torture
Summary: Draco is home for Easter during his 7th year at Hogwarts when he notices strange noises coming from the basement.
Live It Out (Part Three) )
Comments 3
Then let me just say, what a true gem this fic is!
You did a fantastic job writing Luna. True to character, she is an enigma.
And your Harry? Just right. :)
Your Draco was superbly depicted. Also very true to the original, yet tweaked just enough to make it all believable.
I really like your portrayal of Luna and how you show Draco's conflicted thoughts. It seems very realistic, that he wouldn't have a plan in that situation. This is so full of little details I never entcountered in HP fic - like the crosswords, games and the stitches! This really enhances the story. I'm impressed how many lovely original details you added. That must be pretty hard to come up with, in such a huge fandom already ongoing for such a long time.
This is my favourite sentence:
"In the meantime, Draco would ensure that Potter was well rested and poorly fed for the battle."
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