Title: True Colours
Rating: PG
Characters: Sirius, James, Peter, Remus and Regulus. Possibly Sirius/Remus and Sirius/Regulus, but only if you squint.
Summary: Sirius doesn't talk about it, but he pictures people and things in terms of colours.
Word Count: 948
Disclaimer: Not mine--to my eternal regret. And I'm not making any profit from this
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Comments 9
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I don't think that there's anything I can see that is remotely adequate as a reply to this comment. So I'll just bow my head and smile, and say, "Thank you." I only wish that I could say more.
But, back to the ficlet. The hints at Regulus/Sirius were warm, smelt warm - not the hot, sweaty day-warm but a hand on a warm cheek-warm.
I like this. I like the colour you gave James, and Sirius, and I like Regulus' characterisation...
Well done. :)
The hints at Regulus/Sirius were warm, smelt warm - not the hot, sweaty day-warm but a hand on a warm cheek-warm.
Oh, good! And what a lovely description!
I like the colors. I can understand them, and I liked the characteristics of the boys that that you used them to define. I like how you describe Peter as sympathetic and Sirius as a romantic most of all.
Now I'm curious, though. Are you a synesthete? If not, you've described it nicely, though a synesthete doesn't necessarily have reasons for color assignations. But you've nailed how uncomfortable Sirius became talking about it; how weird his friends think it is.
Somewhat sad, but this was truly lovely.
Main Entry: syn·es·the·sia
Pronunciation: "si-n&s-'thE-zh(E-)&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from syn- + -esthesia (as in anesthesia)
: a concomitant sensation; especially : a subjective sensation or image of a sense (as of color) other than the one (as of sound) being stimulated
Yes, I think I am--though, granted, I didn't know till now that there was a word for it. Sounds and colours tend to get experienced together. I don't know why. Like Sirius, I gave up trying to explain it a long time ago. People think I'm either making it up or completely nuts.
I'm very glad that you liked the colours, and the story. And thank you for teaching me a new word!
A more technical article on synesthesia, but informative.
Mixed Signals, a community of synesthetes.
You can google "synesthesia" to get lots more info, but I like those sites the best.
Perceiving colors correlating to sounds is one of the more common types of synesthesia--I'd actually heard of a handful of people who have similar experiences.
But anyway, very off topic! Loved the fic, and your descriptions.
I loved this bit, especially:
And Regulus falls.
He falls through a pea-green and infinitely deep ocean, so deep that Sirius can't reach him. Not that he tries.
Great stuff.
This will appear in incredibile this Monday :D Thank you!
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