Title: The Soul of Pleasure Pairing: Lucius/Sirius, Lucius/Remus, Lucius/James, some Lucius/Peter Rating: R Disclaimer: A.N. For moshes and kennahijja *loves*
Wow, this is very thought provoking and well written. And it leaves me feeling sad for Draco; for how he'll be raised, and sad for Harry; for how he won't be.
Oh I'm really glad you liked it. And yes, that's a very good point about Harry and Draco - it doesn't work out well for either of them. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. :)
Oh man, that was gorgeous. Such a different feeling for each section, complementing who was involved, and yet staying so consistent through Lucius' POV ... and I know this might be weird, but I think I liked Peter's the best. It's so jarring and so eloquent. The other sections were wonderful, but the last line feels like it will stay in my mind, follow me around for an uncomfortable amount of time.
Thank you so much. I'm especially glad to hear that the Peter section worked. I didn't know if people might feel that was a bit of an anti-climax so your comment on that cheered me immensely. Thanks for reading and leaving such lovely feedback. :)
Excellent fic. Under the surface, you've done an intricate character study of Lucius and all four Marauders. I especially love your Remus, and how he's always concerned with ethics and what separates human from animal, which is so, so very in character. And awesome prose as always.
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