Fic: Things Left Unsaid for igrockspock

Dec 14, 2012 06:35

Title: Things Left Unsaid
Author: ???
A gift for: igrockspock
Rating: G
Length: ~6,000 words
Character(s): Snape, Hogwarts, assorted staff, students, Death Eaters (7th year)
Warnings: brief use of Crucio; angst
Author's Note 1: Thanks to igrockspock for so many great prompts! I actually wrote half of three of them before settling on this one (Anything about Snape's ( Read more... )

!fic, !2012

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Comments 32

aggiebell90 December 14 2012, 12:50:54 UTC
Oh. Wow. This is utterly beautiful. I love the idea of Hogwarts having awareness and will (and, eventually, love). Of course the castle did what it could to protect the students.

And Snape. I don't even know where to begin with him--can't find the words, really, other than, "Oh, Snape."

Again, wow.

Well done, Mystery Author!


delphipsmith January 4 2013, 23:44:21 UTC
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, and for the kind words -- that's just the feeling I was going for :)


wasureneba December 14 2012, 17:53:00 UTC
I love the idea of Hogwarts protecting its students (and helping Severus when it realizes that he wants to protect them, too).


delphipsmith January 4 2013, 23:45:21 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it! I like to think that at least he had some help during that awful year...


psyfic December 14 2012, 19:04:09 UTC
I love the thought of the castle itself, helping him. Not at first, of course, and the means by which it changes its attitude toward him was deftly accomplished. Clever, too, to help him save a life on the very spot he was forced to take one. This time, his actions were entirely of his own choosing, no coersion. Fitting little nuance I very much appreciated.

The castle providing what he needed to go on, was beautiful - and he would not have accepted that stocking had it looked new, attractive or pristine. Very well thought out. I enjoyed this glimpse into Severus's year as Headmaster. Beautifully done!


delphipsmith January 4 2013, 23:46:46 UTC
Helping a house-elf seemed like about the only sure-fire way that Hogwarts could be sure about him; glad you thought it fit. And yes, I agree -- a shiny new stocking would only have made him suspicious!


ext_1054020 December 14 2012, 19:37:33 UTC
Very cool! The premise that the castle froze his coffee until he defended the house-elf was great, the line about "since the memories never left him, it hardly seemed to matter" seemed very realistic, and Binns was a wonderful comic counterpoint.


delphipsmith January 4 2013, 23:47:37 UTC
I had a history teacher much like Binns in high school ;) Thanks for taking the time to comment, and for the kind words.


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delphipsmith January 4 2013, 23:48:50 UTC
I know, it was a funny day to have this posted -- I didn't realize until a day or two later :/ If only real schools could do this...
Thanks for reading, and taking the time to comment.


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