** Fic: Thy Leaves Are So Unchanging ** for Everyone

Dec 17, 2011 09:57

Title: Thy Leaves Are So Unchanging
Author: flaminia_x
Rating: G
Character(s): The entire Weasley clan!
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: I love writing the occasional Weasley genfic and the scenario just grabbed me by the seat of my pants and wouldn't let me go til I wrote this. Happy Holidays!

Thy Leaves Are So Unchanging )

character: molly weasley, character: george weasley, character: harry potter, character: bill weasley, character: charlie weasley, character: the weasleys, character: ginny weasley, !fic, !2011, character: arthur weasley

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Comments 16

delphipsmith December 17 2011, 13:43:26 UTC
Oh, lovely! I love family traditions, and you've painted this one so vividly. Making the tree the center of the story and linking everyone together through their memories of it was inspired and it works beautifully. You chose such perfect items for all of them: the twin ornaments for George, Bill's earring inspiration, the green one for Ginny, etc., and then for Molly and Arthur the rings and the baby rattle -- really well done. And the last line, for the tree itself, actually made me tear up *snif*


flaminia_x January 3 2012, 16:18:54 UTC
Thanks so much! I just love the idea of how in this world non-"living" things can still be sentient, so I thought of how amazing it would be to have an ancient tree be the repository of all these family memories. So glad you enjoyed it!!


mollywheezy December 17 2011, 18:58:57 UTC
Such a beautiful picture of a loving family at Christmas! I adored how you shared everyone's thoughts on their favorite ornaments and memories of the tree. This both made me tear up (Bill's putting the star on top for the first time) and LOL (Charlie's fashioning an earring out of an ornament). Excellent story! :D


flaminia_x January 3 2012, 16:19:19 UTC
Thanks so much! Glad you liked it. I love family holiday stories, so I'm glad this one fit the bill. :)


rose_griffes December 20 2011, 16:50:43 UTC
I have a happy smile on my face right now. Lovely!


flaminia_x January 3 2012, 16:19:28 UTC
Yay! Best compliment. :)


bluemermaid December 21 2011, 17:56:53 UTC
It's so cute!! I adore Arthur and Molly in this, they are so sweet! And of the course the entire Weasley clan is as fun and adorable as they should be. This is such a perfect little Christmas fic! I really love the ending with the tree, all the meaningful ornaments and the protective nature of the tree itself. It's just lovely and puts such a big grin on my face. :D


flaminia_x January 3 2012, 16:20:09 UTC
Thanks so much! Really glad you liked it. I love family heirlooms and the like, and with a family that big, it just seems like everyone would have their own special memories of the holidays, so I'm glad combining them all worked!


igrockspock December 21 2011, 21:04:14 UTC
This is adorable!


flaminia_x January 3 2012, 16:20:16 UTC
Thanks! :)


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