** Fic: Tea and Whisky ** for penknife

Dec 07, 2011 07:01

Title: Tea and Whisky
Author: magikcatfics
Rating: PG
Character(s): Nymphadora Tonks and Alastor Moody
Warnings: (if applicable) Some language and references to knickers.
Summary: The day they met they had tea-the day their world changed, they had whisky.
Author's Notes: So…I admit, I stretched the request a tad, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! Much thanks ( Read more... )

!fic, character: nymphadora tonks, !2011, character: alastor moody

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Comments 13

lyras December 7 2011, 09:11:10 UTC
“No one’s head needs clearing this early in the morning,” he said irritably.

Ha! I like your Moody, especially the way he cross-questions Tonks.

Tonks had seen him at his most paranoid, and his most furious. But this was neither.

Yes, it makes sense that he would be utterly calm about this, now that the worst has happened.

Ah, and I suddenly realised where this was all leading. Lovely ending!


penknife December 7 2011, 12:31:20 UTC
Oh, lovely! Thanks so much! I love both Tonks and Moody in this, and it's great fun watching them interact. Awesome!


woldy December 7 2011, 13:56:50 UTC
Very nice :-)


flo_nelja December 7 2011, 18:27:45 UTC
I love it a lot. It's sort of sweet, and it sounds true.


jjtaylor December 7 2011, 19:06:01 UTC
This is really lovely. I like seeing how they interact.


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