Title: A Carrol for a Wassel Bowl
lazy_neutrinoRating: PG-13
Wordcount: 1550
Character(s): Ginny, assorted Weasleys
Warnings: None
Summary: Past, present and future come together for Ginny on Christmas Day. Post DH, pre-epilogue.
Author's Notes: Merry Christmas,
briony_tallis! I hope you enjoy this. And a merry Christmas to my lovely beta reader.
A Carrol for a Wassel Bowl )
Comments 12
It was amazing how many things you could do with a frozen cowpat.
Spoken like someone who grew up in the country LOL!
'Just the little present. The Let Go.'
'It doesn’t do anything.' Molly frowned. 'I’m glad I wasn’t a Muggle child.'
So cute! And I love that the Legos sort of did do something after all:
Obediently, Ginny looked. Her youngest son was holding a tiny Lego person. It had a bright yellow face, spotted with freckles. Red plastic hair streamed down its back and it was holding something that might have been a wand...A daughter, then? It was probably time to say something to Harry...
Very nicely done.
LOL at the Lego's. I can completely believe that Harry would want his kids having Muggle toys after his own upbringing. And, of course, Arthur would be thrilled by this! :)
Very sweet snapshot of family life!
And there had been the Great Animated Cowpat Fight of 1989, followed by three days and nights confined to their rooms and casting Scourgify on their clothes
Another lovely detail!
Large stones lay tumbled on the grass, their faces green with moss.
This is simply a gorgeous line.
You’d like Hugo; he’s a nightmare.
:D And a lovely way to connect with Fred.
From the kitchen came the smell of roast turkey and the squeak of the over door opening and shutting.
You have a beautiful way with words, mystery author.
I love the scene between Ginny and Molly - so quietly domestic, and yet so full of everything going on beneath the surface.
Of course Arthur would love the lego! And I love the touch about Ginny's baby (and the nod to Molly as an "eagle-eyed mother").
I adore this story. On the surface, it seems quiet, but there's so much bubbling just beneath the surface. Beautiful work - thank you!
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