Title: A Flash Artist: ani_bester Rating: G Character(s): Regulus, Sirius, and Walburga Black Author's Notes: I love the idea of showing flashes of Regulus's life. Thank you so much for that prompt!!
I love the "life-flashing-before-your-eyes" impression that this leaves. Memories come in a whirl of color and emotion, not in time-line order. I think you have captured that beautifully. Excellent work! :)
I adore the way the swirling colours give the sense of motion, as though Regulus is flying through time and his own memories in the same instant he reaches for the locket. Your Walburga is glorious - sweet and doting as she hold baby Regulus, then fierce and forboding as he grows older, and little indignant Sirius is just perfect. Such a beautiful piece, truly.
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