Title: The Attack of the Wrackspurts
dragyn_42Rating: PG
Character(s): Ginny, Luna
Summary: As Ginny falls prey to Tom Riddle, Luna develops her own theory about what's going on. 1400 words; set during Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
Author's Notes: I'm so happy this exchange is running again! Thank you to
virginia_bell for organising it.
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Comments 24
Ginny yelled insults at them, sneaking a glance at Luna to observe the effect of her shocking language.
I found it very sweet. :)
Some lines I loved:
He looked pale with shock, but then, all the ghosts Ginny knew were pale, so it was hard to tell.
If I told her, she thought, she might believe me. But then, no one else would.
The gnomes were shouting back now, and making rude gestures, so she retaliated with a face that she'd once seen Charlie make and had then spent hours perfecting in her mirror.
Also, I now owe you a drabble! Would you like to give me a prompt? :)
It's strange, b/c you write this piece from Ginny's pov, but it feels to me as if Luna is the main character. Her off-kilter remarks are more accurate than most people's banalities.
And I loved the start, with the small episode in Binns' class. Leaves you wondering which side has it right - which is, of course, the case in real life, too.
This made me smile - thank you! It was nice to write something quiet here, and I do like to think that Ginny and Luna were at least casual friends during their early days at Hogwarts.
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