art for sara_shunu: Snap! (Fred and George, G)

Dec 02, 2006 18:24

First, with this delightful work of art, the 2006 round of hp_holidaygen officially begins! The next few weeks will bring genfic and art with a variety of characters, genres, and tones, and we hope you enjoy it!

Title: Snap!
Recipient: sara_shunu
Rating: G
Character(s): Fred and George
Warnings (if applicable): None
Author's Notes: A cute moment, I think. :) Hope you ( Read more... )

!2006, character: george weasley, !art, character: fred weasley

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Comments 8

chiralove December 2 2006, 18:57:02 UTC
Nice!! I love the way that they're leaning toward each other and the way that their hair contrasts with the green shirts and blue background ... this is nice! :)


twisting_path December 2 2006, 19:54:27 UTC
They look like they are behaving! Or perhaps, more mature. Very nice.



melandry December 2 2006, 20:03:53 UTC
Aw, look at those grins - definitely the twins!

The rhyme there was unintentional, I assure you.


alexajohnson December 2 2006, 20:19:26 UTC
This is beautiful!

I love how you have them leaning towards each other, and the colors are especially nice!!!


marginaliana December 2 2006, 22:30:13 UTC
Charming! I love the sticking up hair! :D


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