fic for rian219: How It'll Be (Marauders, Lily, Dumbledore, McGonagall, G)

Dec 24, 2006 14:02

Title: How It'll Be
Recipient: rian219
Rating: G
Characters: MWPP, Lily, Dumbledore, McGonagall
Warnings: None


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!2006, !fic, character: albus dumbledore, character: marauders, character: lily potter, character: minerva mcgonagall

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Comments 7

sambethe December 25 2006, 03:51:19 UTC
Oh, the hope. *sniffle*

It's lovely and it hurts. Nicely done.


cinnamon_sakaki January 4 2007, 10:47:00 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.


rian219 December 26 2006, 08:12:03 UTC
Thank you so much! This was lovely. A nice little snapshot of them joining the Order, and an interesting take on how it happened. I like how you had Sirius be the one who was approached first, and also that you included Peter in things. Lovely! Thanks again. :)


cinnamon_sakaki January 4 2007, 10:48:48 UTC
I was a bit nervous about it since it was my first fic exchange, and I'm really glad it worked for you! :D


rian219 January 12 2007, 07:10:58 UTC
It did! Thanks again. And welcome to the addictive world of fic exchanges. ;)


lyras December 30 2006, 21:11:23 UTC
Professor McGonagall standing there, looking as little like a tragic heroine as was humanly possible. He winced, pre-emptively.

Hee! I love both the description of Minerva and the way you use "pre-emptively" here.

"Hey, no touching my woman," said James, wagging his finger at him.

"Whose woman?" said Lily ominously.

Again, excellent characterisation of both Lily and James. I loved this snapshot, with all the banter, and yet there's a serious side that you bring out with that wonderful last line.


cinnamon_sakaki January 4 2007, 10:53:23 UTC
Thank you very much, and I'm glad that people's characterisation came across well!


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