Title: The House of Ghosts Characters: Hermione, Ron, Snape, Lupin Rating: G Summary: Long after the dust of Voldemort's defeat has settled, a helping hand is never far away.
Hah, trouble in paradise. Beware Ron and his corner-of-the-mouth mumbles.
Of course they would enlist Hermione's help, and of course Snape would be churlish about it. The final image of the two of them able to hold hands again, and the flush in Snape's cheeks, is understated and poignant.
This is a lovely little piece full of unspoken backstory intrigue, turned suddenly touching by a glimpse of love beyond death (or possibly even love conquering death).
What a great story! Except I was kind of hoping they were in on a plot to help Hermione scare the crap out of Ron. :). You packed a lot into this small story. Loved it!
Comments 20
Hah, trouble in paradise. Beware Ron and his corner-of-the-mouth mumbles.
Of course they would enlist Hermione's help, and of course Snape would be churlish about it. The final image of the two of them able to hold hands again, and the flush in Snape's cheeks, is understated and poignant.
This is a lovely little piece full of unspoken backstory intrigue, turned suddenly touching by a glimpse of love beyond death (or possibly even love conquering death).
What a great story! Except I was kind of hoping they were in on a plot to help Hermione scare the crap out of Ron. :). You packed a lot into this small story. Loved it!
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