Anonymous Masterlist + Guessing Game

Jul 31, 2012 17:14

Now that you had some time to catch up reading, here's a poll in which you can guess who wrote what. Anyone may participate, but only the mods can see your answers, so don't be shy:

Anonymous Masterlist and Guessing Game )

!guessing game, !mod post, hp friendship 2012

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Comments 11

kellychambliss July 31 2012, 15:46:34 UTC
I'll say from the start that I'm pants at guessing -- but that never stops me.

So. . .25 stories posted.

What with beta reading and other things, I know with certainly who wrote five of them (including my own). No guesses here. So I don't think it would be fair to include these in my "guesses."

Of the stories I actually AM guessing at, I'm 100% sure about five of them. I have varying degrees of certainty about four others -- ranging from about 85.6% sure to "hmmm, maybe, possibly, I'll give it a shot" (say 10% sure).

The rest, I admit to being clueless about. atdelphi, you're giving me fits. I used to think I could recognize your style fairly well, but you've stumped me now in several fests. I'm waffling between two fics for you in this fest -- and of course, it will probably turn out that you've written neither.

Great fun, these games. Thanks, mods.


therealsnape July 31 2012, 17:37:28 UTC
So I don't think it would be fair to include these in my "guesses." How wonderfully Gryffindor of you.

Thank heavens I'm a Slytherin.

Not that I'm completely a-moral. I won't include the ones the mods gave away by accident (or liberal pouring of Glayva). So there. Slytherins can be good, too. For a given definition of 'good'.


friendshipmods July 31 2012, 19:21:33 UTC
Worry not about incidentally falling into moral abysses, dear -- the mods know exactly which ones you beta'ed. *g*


atdelphi August 7 2012, 15:56:53 UTC I'm curious which two you were waffling between. I, of course, was smugly certain that I knew for once exactly who had written for one of my prompts, only to be completely and utterly wrong.


ext_1054020 July 31 2012, 17:43:44 UTC
Hmm. I came up with guesses about four of them, but one of them I've since changed my mind on and another didn't even write for this fest. So...not quite, there, but I've been going through and making a bunch more very wild guesses. Will vote in a couple days, just to make sure I don't come up with anything even wilder in the interim! :)


pitry July 31 2012, 17:50:36 UTC
Lol, count me in with the wild guesses.

Anyway, thanks mods, for this lovely fest! T'was loads of fun!


miss_morland July 31 2012, 22:18:32 UTC
only the mods can see your answers

But part of the fun is looking at other people's guesses... Well, at least there is less risk of embarrassment this way. *g*

Thanks for this fest! It's been a long while since I last read so much HP fic, and so much good fic, too.


zofbadfaith August 1 2012, 19:35:16 UTC
I've yet to catch up and read all of them (work has been keeping me extremely busy, unfortunately) before I could think of guessing who wrote what (except for mine :P), but maybe on the next fest? ;)

I'll do my best to finish reading them all and try the guessing game! <3


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