Undoubtedly someone has already addressed this subject in an essay. I however was unable to find it and so am writing my own. This is my first HP essay but hopefully not my last (unless it is truly dreadful and then it would must certainly be hoped to be the only one
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Comments 28
I wish someone would write a critical essay about the Slytherin house, pre-Dh and post-DH.
Your essay was good, I'm sure others will agree.
Oh, very easily. Karl Marx would hate the Fat Friar! Hufflepuff has a strong affinity for a kind of conservatism that doesn't have a catchy name right now and doesn't get much press -- the small-is-beautiful communitarian conservatism that cherishes traditional folkways and rural life; that prefers the small and local to the big and national (or super-national); that is suspicious of excessive industrialization and big business; thinks government should be as small and personal as possible, protect families, and mind its own business. Think of the novels of Jane Austen or Patrick O'Brian, or Distributism of the early 20th. Think "The Wind in the Willows," where Mr. Badger opens his cozy burrow to lost wanderers and recalls the prodigal Mr. Toad to his duty. Think the Shire ( ... )
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