Thief; Gift for teganscrush

Jun 17, 2009 13:45

Recipient: teganscrush
Title: Thief
Author: fairy_mischief
Beta: I love you both!
Pairing/s: Harry/Scorpius, Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): highlight to read: [ infidelity]
Length: 2,940
Summary: Scorpius knew that look. It meant his father knew something he wasn't supposed to and was savoring that fact while deciding when to strike.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe - all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work. Please observe your local laws with regards to the age-limit and content of this work.
Author's Notes: I'm not sure if this is at all what you had in mind, teganscrush, but I hope you enjoy it!


Scorpius knew that look. It meant his father knew something he wasn't supposed to and was savoring that fact while deciding when to strike. The main course hadn't even been served yet, and it could be well into dinner before Draco finally said what was on his mind. If he was particularly enjoying himself, he might even postpone the discussion until breakfast the next morning.

Attempting to ignore the glint in his father's eyes and the upturned right corner of his lips, Scorpius fingered the stem of his self-replenishing crystal goblet. The pale golden liquid inside it changed to a deep burgundy just as his bowl and what remained of the white truffle soup at its bottom disappeared. Scorpius took a tentative sip, fighting a grimace as the dry wine flowed over his tongue and made his taste buds curl.

"Do you like the Pinot Noir?" Draco asked.

Scorpius shrugged. "I preferred the Viognier."

"It was decent," Draco said. "But you must learn to appreciate red wines as well. Viognier doesn't complement steak." He gestured at the filet mignon that had appeared on Scorpius's plate.

Scorpius picked up his knife and fork with a sigh. Having recently turned of age, he was new to this wine business, and it seemed exhausting. In his opinion, the delicate taste of white wines suited everything.

The silence that ensued as they ate could not be described as companionable. Scorpius was aware of those cold, grey eyes glancing up at him throughout dinner and dreaded the moment when his father would wipe the corners of his mouth with his napkin and lean back in his seat to scrutinise him, but it came nonetheless. He took a gulp of wine to avoid looking at his father.

"So, how's school?" Draco asked.

"Busy, what with homework and Quidditch and studying for N.E.W.T.s."

"Don't complain," Draco said. "You can't begin to imagine what I went through my seventh year."

Scorpius kept quiet. He hated it when his father compared Scorpius's life to his own. So what if he hadn't had to live through the War? That didn't mean his life was free of cares.

"It looks like Slytherin has a chance at winning the Quidditch Cup this year," Draco said.

Scorpius smiled. "Indeed, it does." It was as close to a compliment on his Quidditch skills as he was going to get from his father.

A ramekin of crème brûlée appeared before Scorpius, surprising him even though he should have known to expect dessert. He picked up a spoon and broke through the crispy, burnt caramel topping.

"What else have you been doing, besides studying and Quidditch?" Draco asked. His voice was slightly lower than before.

Scorpius shrugged. "Nothing, really. I spend time with friends when I can. Mostly I've been focusing on schoolwork."

Draco 's eyes narrowed. "Scorpius, you are aware that fucking your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor does not qualify as schoolwork, are you not?"

Scorpius stiffened, a spoonful of brûlée liquefying in his mouth; his throat was too constricted to swallow even that.

Draco sneered. "Is the crème brûlée too sweet for you?"

Scorpius's hands trembled as he put down his spoon and pushed the ramekin away. "Father, I don't know what you've-"

"Oh, spare me your pathetic attempts at lying," Draco said. "Your only concern now should be convincing me not to report this to the Board of Governors."

Scorpius's heart was hammering in his chest. He squeezed the edge of his seat. There had to be some way out of this mess, some way he could protect Harry. "Where's your proof?"

Draco stared at Scorpius for a moment, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vial containing an opalescent, gaseous substance. Scorpius stared at the object in horror. "Where'd you get that?"

"That's not what's important." He shook the bottle, sneering.

Scorpius's stomach was twisting itself into a knot. He'd been keeping that memory locked in his trunk at Hogwarts at all times. Who had gotten into it? When? He'd held it in his hand not a fortnight ago.

"You really should be more careful where you keep such precious things; otherwise your… friends might steal them and try to make a profit," Draco said, examining the pearly memory in the light of the chandelier.

Scorpius gritted his teeth. "I was robbed, and you conducted business with the thief?"

"Oh, don't worry," Draco said. "I've made sure the person in question never steals from you again. What kind of father do you think I am?"

It would probably have been in Scorpius's best interest to bite his tongue, but he could not hold back. "The kind that blackmails his own son, apparently."

"You are so ungrateful," Draco said, still mesmerized by the memory. "No caring father would sit back and allow his son to continue a relationship with a married wizard twice his age. I, however, am willing to look beyond such details, if only you will prove to me the depth of your feelings for Professor Potter."

Scorpius's knuckles turned white as he squeezed the seat of his chair harder. "Is there anything in particular that would help convince you, Father?"

Draco smiled. "Indeed, there is."

Scorpius waited, but when his father didn't elaborate, he asked through clenched teeth, "And what might that be?"

Smirking, Draco ran a fingertip around the rim of his goblet, producing a clear, ringing tone. He looked up at Scorpius. "I want to see the real thing."

For a moment, Scorpius was confused. He stared at his father, who sat leering at him. Suddenly his eyes widened and his stomach sank. "Y-You want to watch Harry and me together?"

Draco's nod was barely perceptible, yet uncompromising. Praying that this was some kind of joke, Scorpius laughed, a light, tinkling sound like ringing crystal. But Draco's expression was etched in stone. Scorpius sank lower in his chair, fishing for reasons why his father would make such an indecent request. Had he been harbouring a secret desire for Harry all these year? It had to be that, because it couldn't possibly be that-no, it just couldn't be.

"Why would you want to see that?" Scorpius asked, unable to look his father in the face.

"No questions," Draco said in a tone of finality. "Will you organise an evening’s entertainment for me this holiday season, or not?"

The bitter taste of fear flooded Scorpius's mouth. He thought of Harry and what would happen if Draco did indeed go to the Board of Governors. He would lose his position at Hogwarts, his wife would leave him, and his children would probably be socially ostracized. Scorpius nodded.


"Are you sure your father is gone for the entire evening?" Harry asked, looking nervously around the Manor's master bedroom.

"I'm certain," Scorpius replied, casting a sharp glance at one of the chairs by the window while Harry looked in the other direction.

"Okay." Harry examined the king size bed warily. "Are you also certain you want to do this here, not in your room?"

Scorpius sat on the mattress in front of Harry and gazed up at him, pouting. "I've always fantasised about this-being tied up and fucked in Daddy's bed." It was a lie, of course. Scorpius had never considered the idea before-it had been his father's request.

Harry reached out his hand and ran his thumb across Scorpius's bottom lip.

"Please?" Scorpius said, darting out his tongue to wet the finger.

Harry exhaled a shaky breath. "This is a bad idea-but you know I can't deny you anything."

Embarrassed that he was actually getting aroused by this charade, Scorpius offered Harry his best lopsided smile. "We can use Father's ties to bind me. He's still got some of his old Slytherin ones in the closet." Scorpius nodded at the door to the walk-in closet.

"Get them," Harry said.

Scorpius fought to keep his hand from trembling as he pulled out his wand and Accio'd his father's Slytherin ties. As Scorpius closed his hand around the green and silver silk, Harry tilted his chin up and bent down to kiss him. Their tongues slid together with the ease of deep familiarity. Scorpius reached up to tangle the fingers of his left hand in Harry's messy hair, while Harry took the ties from his right.

After a moment, Harry pulled back. "Undress yourself."

Scorpius's fingers fumbled with his buttons as he undid each one in haste. He wanted this over and done with. It was wrong for his father to be watching. It was wrong for Scorpius to want him to see this.

Harry pulled off Scorpius's shoes while Scorpius unzipped his trousers. Finally Scorpius was naked, his ivory skin exposed to admiring green eyes and invisible grey ones. He leaned back against the pillows and allowed Harry to tie his wrists to the headboard.
When Harry was finished, he stood back to admire the sight. "You're stunning, Malfoy."

Scorpius's eyes shot up to Harry's face. Harry had never called him Malfoy outside of class before. But before Scorpius could make too much out of the obvious slip of tongue, Harry drew the backs of his fingers along the insides of Scorpius's thighs and kissed him again.

"I want to hear you beg," Harry said when he pulled back. Scorpius felt a feather-light touch trail up the underside of his cock.

"Please," Scorpius said, lifting his hips off of the bed.

Harry grinned and shook his head. "It won't be that easy." He dragged his fingertips down Scorpius's torso, making sure pass over a peaked nipple, then leaned in to take the nub in between his teeth. Scorpius hissed and tugged on his bonds, suddenly wishing his hands were free so that he could bury his hands in that dark hair and pull Harry up into a kiss.

Harry licked a trail up Scorpius's chest to kiss and nip at his neck. The blond's ragged breathing mingled with the wet sounds of lips and saliva on skin. The closer Harry's mouth came to Scorpius's ear, the harder Scorpius became. Any remaining awareness he had of his father sitting in the corner, watching them, was lost as everything but the butterflies in his stomach and the weight of Harry's body on top of him ceased to exist. When Harry finally sucked an earlobe in between his lips, Scorpius hissed.

He remembered now why he had thought storing the memory was worth the risk of someone finding it. Harry had once suggested that it would be wise to put an end to their affair. When Scorpius had protested that he wouldn’t be able to survive the heartbreak, Harry had joked that he would Obliviate Scorpius. The suspicion that there was real intent behind the comment had forced Scorpius to act. He had wanted to save something of their relationship as a reminder, just in case.

"Fuck me," Scorpius said, arching up to rub his erection against Harry's clothed thigh.

Harry's hot breath tickled Scorpius's ear. "Not yet."

"Then let me suck your cock," Scorpius said, rocking against the body above him. He prided himself on his fellatio skills and knew Harry wouldn't be able to resist.

Harry pulled back and looked down at Scorpius, eyes darkened with lust. He pushed his thumb inside the blond's mouth and pressed the pad against his bottom teeth. "I love that you're such a wanton slut."

Scorpius licked his bottom lip. "Let me show you just how wanton I am."

Harry lifted himself and moved to straddle the younger man's chest. Scorpius parted his lips in anticipation as Harry lowered his zipper and pulled out his cock. Scorpius darted out his tongue and swiped it over the head of Harry's dick, gazing up for approval.
"That's it," Harry said. "Suck me."

Scorpius licked and sucked and teased as well as he could, given his position. But as usual, it wasn't long before Harry took control. He held Scorpius's face still between his hands and began to thrust inside his mouth, gently at first, then faster and deeper. Scorpius held his mouth open and relaxed his throat to suppress his gag reflex. He loved being dominated like this. By now, it felt like all the blood in his body had flowed into his cock.

"Fuck, Malfoy," Harry said, panting as he pumped his dick in and out of Scorpius's mouth. "So good."

Scorpius felt a drop of precome slide down his shaft and raised his hips upward, groaning in frustration when the movement was impeded. He needed friction.

Harry stopped thrusting, though his body continued to rock a bit almost involuntarily. A moment later, he pulled out, stroking Scorpius's jaw line with the backs of his fingers. "I'm going to fuck you so hard…"

Scorpius's cock twitched. He opened his mouth to beg Harry to do it now, but a slow drawl coming from the corner of the bedroom interrupted him.

"What a show," Draco said, clapping slowly with his wand held between his thumb and index finger. ""I bet the Board of Governors will be very impressed with how much individual attention Professor Potter lavishes on his students."

Harry jumped away from Scorpius as if-well, as if he'd been caught having sex with a student.

"Malfoy!" He exclaimed, reaching for his wand in his discarded robes, but Draco was quicker, having already summoned both Harry's and Scorpius's wands.

"There'll be no need for hexing, Potter," Draco said calmly. "Believe it or not, I'm not out to destroy your life and career. As long as you're willing to co-operate, no one will ever find out about…this." He gestured at Scorpius.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Harry asked through clenched teeth. He looked downward at Draco and his eyes settled on something for a moment. Scorpius followed Harry's gaze and saw that his father's trousers were tented.

"Isn't it obvious?" Draco asked.

Harry ignored the question and turned to glare at Scorpius. He was already backing away. "What is this? What are you two playing at?"

"He made me do it!" Scorpius said. "He threatened to destroy you if-"

"All I want is to take his place," Draco said, smiling at Harry.

Scorpius's nostrils flared. He felt as if his blood had ignited and was now scorching his veins from the inside. Harry shouldn’t have been looking at his father like that, with his mouth hanging open. He should have been furious.

"I've already prepared myself…" Draco said, smirking.

Harry looked from Draco to Scorpius and back, clearly undecided.

"Harry, what is there to even think about?!" Scorpius asked almost hysterically. His father had put down the three wands and begun to unbutton his shirt.

"What do you say, Harry? Want to fuck me? "

Harry swallowed hard. "What about him?" he asked, nodding at Scorpius, who suddenly felt as if he'd been hung and gutted.

Draco looked at Scorpius and leered. "He looks quite comfortable where he is." He dropped his trousers and approached he bed.

To Scorpius's horror, Harry met Draco at the foot of the bed, lifted a hand to cup his face, and kissed him firmly. Scorpius tugged violently on the ties securing him to the bed. "Harry, what are you doing?!"

His father must have cast the Imperius Curse on Harry. That had to be what was happening. Otherwise, Harry wouldn't be treating Scorpius like this!

Green eyes settled on Scorpius's face. In them, he saw sympathy but not regret. "I'm sorry, Scorpius," Harry said. "I have to do this."

It was a damn lie and they both knew it.

Harry began to remove his trousers while Draco bent over at the foot of the bed, right in front of Scorpius. They both groaned as Harry sank his cock inside Draco. Scorpius turned his face way, a hot tear escaping his eye and burning a curved trail down his cheek. For the first time, he wished Harry really would Obliviate him.

The End

pairing: harry/draco, !round1, pairing: harry/scorpius, !spring09, slash, rating: nc-17, fic

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