(no subject)

Jan 17, 2008 23:50

Who: Brando Lestrange-Savage, Severus Snape, Sebastian Savage when he's done with the other students.
What: Apparently there's consequences for this incident and for trying to use that spell?
Age: 17 years after grownhp6words

Brando didn't fight his father once he was instructed to leave. He just shot a glare at just about everyone that dared to cross his way and left the classroom without bothering to get his books or anything else.

If he could destroy one of the walls on his way to the Headmaster's office, he would. If he could tear down the whole damn castle, he would. He was livid, and he had no idea just why. Was he really this angry at Leo?

He was so angry that the walk seemed strangely short, and he more or less slammed his fist against his grandfather's door to knock.
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