FIC: "From Half to Whole" for alisanne

Apr 25, 2011 14:06

Recipient: Alisanne
Author: chibitoaster / littleblackbow
Title: From Half to Whole
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Viktor/George
Word Count: 15,991
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): * Canon character deaths, dark themes.*
Summary: Viktor is coach of a community-league Quidditch team. George is half a person without his brother. When Ron and his friends take ( Read more... )

george weasley, rating:nc17, viktor/george, viktor krum, fic, beholder_2011, slash

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Comments 11

scarface_ April 26 2011, 20:31:55 UTC
Absolutely wonderful story!


chibitoaster May 29 2011, 19:05:26 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it.


masteroftrouble April 28 2011, 16:04:50 UTC
When dinner was laid out on the table, George was seated on the long bench next to Viktor with Percy on his left. He could feel the heat from Viktor’s thigh pressed against his own. Three different conversations were going on all at once and George couldn’t seem to concentrate on any of them. Halfway through the meal, Viktor brought his hand down and placed it on George’s thigh. George looked over at him, but he was still engrossed in conversation with Arthur about Bulgarian cars.

Taking a deep breath,and looking around to make sure nobody was watching, George brought his own hand down and placed it on top of Viktor’s. Viktor turned his hand up and interlaced their fingers, all the time keeping up his conversation.

George smiled and turned to Harry. “So, do you think you’d want to join a community league team? It’s just two days a week - plenty of time left for your wand-making.”I think I might have grinned like a silly loon for a LONG time after that ( ... )


chibitoaster May 29 2011, 19:08:25 UTC
I know, I just wanted to huggle Viktor so much after writing this. I really want to do a podfic of it, actually. I always thought Viktor had a big heart, and was a victim of circumstance in a lot of respects.

Thank you so much for your comment, and I'm really glad you liked this story. Rarepairs are so often overlooked, but they can be so wonderful to write!


hogwartshoney May 1 2011, 03:00:52 UTC
Y'see you? I just.... love you for writing this. Never thought of this pairing, but the situations are just perfect. You keep them true to themselves, the Weasleys pretty true to themselves too ;o) and yay for neato magic belts!


chibitoaster May 29 2011, 19:14:05 UTC
Thank you so much! ^_^ I'm really glad people read this story. I know there are a lot of people who have certain characters they'll read and the rest they ignore. That's what's so wonderful about this fest.

Well, I'm very glad you liked it, and I keep thinking of all kinds of sequels. :P (someone stop the bunnies!)


hogwartshoney May 29 2011, 20:15:36 UTC
No no noooooo. You just leave those bunnies RIGHT WHERE THEY ARE! Sequels - oh yes, emphatically yes! ;o)

I read most characters - I've found that the quality of the writing attracts me as much (and sometimes even more) than the list of characters..... so yes, more George and Viktor please!


aigooism May 8 2011, 06:37:09 UTC
THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL. Especially this line: "Imperfections create perfection, yes?".

HOMG. HOMGOGMMGMKJGOGOTGOOG. Yes, I turn into an incoherent mess when I read a wonderfully written story!

I mean, hell, this is a rare pair! It's long! It's believable! It has a cute little child! It's so heartwarming! The belt thing, George getting over his loss, Viktor and Alexander . . . !!!!!!!

I AM SO SAVING THIS WHEN REVEALS COME UP! A true testament to how much I love this!


chibitoaster May 29 2011, 19:19:07 UTC
Thank you! *giggles*

I must have read this comment fifty times, it made me so happy. I'm really glad you liked the fic. So often rarepair fics get overlooked, but there are so many great ones!

When I read the prompt, the first thing I thought of was Viktor and George, and I have a serious weakness for h/c stories, so it just had to happen. :D

Thank you very much!


tyreling May 31 2011, 13:36:54 UTC
Wow, this is really a lovely fic. Heart-warming, bittersweet and charming too! Viktor has amazing lines here despite his bad English. And omg, how these two angsting characters meet, grow to admire and then love one another. ♥
I love it. :D


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