Title: I Solemnly Swear
Author: atra
Pairing: Um, Remus/Sirius, I guess, but it's mostly gen.
Summary: Remus doesn't know Sirius at all.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Characters and much of the dialogue belong to JKR, with whom I have no initials in common.
Notes: For the
hp_au_ficathon, just over a month late. Yes, I am teh suck.
jjtaylor requested a Prisoner of Azkaban AU
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Comments 16
Although I suppose Remus and Sirius may have run off together to live angstily ever after.
I dunno. Like I said, I was really unsure about the ending, if I should have written the last bit. BUT. I'm glad you liked it up to that point. Thank you for reading. I know my f-list is all about the Snape/Harry pr0n. *g*
Sirius freezes and glares down at Remus. "He's going to kill us both, you know," he says almost conversationally. "I wouldn't have."
There's volumes of character in that very simple moment.
And yes. I'm completely with you on Remus. That whole year is one big WTF for me. Unless he's a traitor, which I could totally buy. Because, really. WTF.
Anyway. I'm glad you liked it.
This bit:
"Do you really think anyone deserves that?"
"Yes," he says, all spite and defiance. "For... for some things..."
Remus spends the next week wondering if the boy is right. Sirius would have thought so,
is brilliant. It gives us Sirius and Harry, and shows the brutality in Harry's statement, while also making rather disturbing connections. If that makes sense.
The tremble of Remus' voice when he calls on the map hurts. Very insightful to think of how poignant that particular act must have been for him.
And the whole confrontation in the Shack? Masterful. Particularly liked:< i>Remus makes an impatient gesture with his hand, for once wishing the boy were less like James and would just do as he was told.Really really nice work, though it also makes me wish you'd written something like: "And then Remus woke up and ( ... )
But, yes. Thank you for reading! I actually had a good time picking apart canon and putting it back together again, trying to figure out what the hell could possibly have been going through Remus' head. I'm glad the results weren't asstastic. :)
The end? Maybe Moony, after growing a werewolf backbone, metes out some justice in the forest.
Thanks for reading. :)
Oh, wow. I love how you've written Remus' thoughts throughout PoA, Remus trying to convince himself he's doing the right thing.
I love this: The spring is supposed to be better, Remus thinks. Easier. But where his childhood memories of springtime at Hogwarts are full of laughter and sunshine and Sirius, now all it does is rain. There's a five-minute dry spell and he glances out the window, notices the grass is the same color as Harry's eyes, and goes back to staring at the map.
And this: February passes in a gray haze of fog and bone-cutting cold that's got nothing to do with the temperature. The days are short and the nights are shorter, and Remus doesn't remember what his life was like before he started spending all his time with dementors and ghosts. He wonders if this is what it was like in Azkaban. No wonder Sirius ran away.And the broom! From Remus! You've done one of my favorite things in an AU - taken a small detail from canon and twisted it so that it completely changes the significance ( ... )
[Er, and sorry again for the late.]
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