Title: Beginnings (my titling skills are quite non-existent)
assuringlynerdyRating: G
Characters/Pairings: Albus, Severus
Challenge: Challenge one, prompt one
House: Slytherin
Author's notes: First drabble-fic ever. It's unbeta'd, but I don't think there are too many errors.
EDIT: Thanks to
house_illrepute it's exactly 100 words!
I can’t be here! This isn’t happening. It must be some kind of joke. Yeah, that’s right, let’s all play a joke on me, eh? How am I going to tell father? How will he react? Will he be disappointed? His head sank to his arms. “Aww crap,” he mumbled.
“‘Aww crap’ what?” came a chirpy voice.
“Come off it, why would I tell you?” the blond asked, raising his head.
“‘Cause.” The other boy shrugged. “Just. . . ‘cause.”
“Sure,” he said sarcastically.
“I’m Albus by the way. Albus Severus Potter.”
“Scorpius,” Scorpius Malfoy grunted, ignoring Albus and paying attention again.