Sign-ups are now CLOSED
Hey kids! It's that time again! Third Quarter sign-ups are on!
HP Art Exchange Rules & Regulations
By submitting a request for participation, you are agreeing that you understand and agree to the following rules and guidelines, so please read them carefully:
- The information submitted in your request is true.
- There will be no arguing, bickering or otherwise flaming in the community. If there are problems, you should write me (gina @ to help you resolve it.
- You understand that part of the point of this community is to encourage new artists, and that not every artist is at the same skill level. Constructive criticism only, please.
- Remember that your buddy is working diligently on a piece of art for you. Please try to put more than the minimum effort into your submission.
- It's recommended that you friend the community and post positive and constructive comments to art posts as often as possible.
- Submissions and requests should be age appropriate. The program admins reserve the right to refuse any submission or request if they feel it is inappropriate.
- If you feel that you will be delayed in posting your art, please let myself and/or your partner know.
- When posting your art, please adhere to the following guideline:
Gift art for: Member name
Subject: What's featured in your art
Medium: What you used to create your art
Rating: G through NC17
Link or LJ cut to art:
Signing Up
Please COPY the following information into a comment and answer the application in its entirety:
Your username:
Email:(or how your partner can reach you)
Your age as of application:
Highest rating you will give (G through NC17):
Highest rating you want to get (G through NC17:
slash okay (YES/NO)
Femmeslash okay? (YES/NO)
What is your preferred ship(s), if applicable?
How would you define your artistic style?
If you have participated in the HPAE before, who were your partners?
Suggestions for this quarter's theme?*
Any additional comments or clarifications?
Please note, that in the event of an odd number of participants, the last application may be refused. Apply early to ensure a spot in the exchange.
Also, you must be at least 13 or older to participate in the exchange. If your age is not listed on the application form, you will not be considered for participation.
* If you've got any suggestions for a theme, then please share!
Third Quarter sign-ups end July 31, 2008.
Gift art must be posted to the community by September 30, 2008.
Please direct any and all questions regarding the application process and the exchange to gina @