Introducing... me :D

Aug 05, 2012 12:13

Name: Ling; 'Appleling' is my nickname
Age: 25
Location: Malaysia but does it really matter?
What's in your journal: Themed fanfiction rec lists (mostly Harry/Draco but lately, I've been busy compiling other Draco-centric rec lists), graphics - mostly icons (sometimes), lots of fangirling moments, sharing of feelings and personal (mostly embarrassing ( Read more... )

ship: harry/luna, +gryffindor, ship: harry/blaise, i lurk, ship: remus/tonks, i discuss, ship: ron/hermione, ship: ron/pansy, age: 18+, ship: draco/severus, i make graphics, ship: draco/luna, i cheer, ship: lucius/narcissa, ship: draco/ginny, ship: harry/scorpius, -crossgen, ship: rose/scorpius, ship: harry/pansy, i squee, -nextgen, ship: harry/hermione/draco, i read, -slash, ship: severus/lily, ship: harry/draco/severus, ship: harry/sirius/remus, ship: rare pairs, ship: sirius/remus, ship: albus/scorpius, ship: harry/draco/blaise, i mod, ship: severus/remus, ship: james/sirius, ship: james/scorpius, ship: draco/albus, -het, -marauders, ship: harry/draco, ship: hermione/severus, -threesomes

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Comments 18

dracones August 5 2012, 07:03:56 UTC
*Waves* uhm hi :D

I'd like to friend you so to start off our "pre-friending" conversation

What fandoms do you like?

My OTP is Harry/Draco :D I've been in the HP fandom four 4 years but I got started in fanfiction from animes like Yu Yu Hakusho and Gundam Wing :D

Right now my other fandoms are the TV series Merlin (main pairing: Merlin/Arthur) and RPS Bradley/Colin.


appleling August 5 2012, 12:43:36 UTC
Hey *waves back*

Cool! I mostly ship Harry/Draco too and...well, I can't say I started reading fanfiction because of anime, because the first fandom and pairing that got me devouring fanfiction like crazy was Harry/Draco. THEN, I moved on... a little bit... to other anime pairings.

Well, I've not finish watching Merlin... not even Season 1 but the few episodes I've watched made me fell in love with Bradley/Colin OMG YES!! YEEESSS!! They're such pretty couple, those two :D


starcrossed August 5 2012, 09:31:58 UTC
Yay, I'd be willing to be friends :) I'm getting back into HP majorly at the moment and I could always use some HP friends :)


appleling August 5 2012, 12:45:19 UTC
Hello! Getting back into HP? Oh, I can definitely help with that :D

And yes of course, HP friends are always welcome in my book *nods*

Nice to meet you!


lordes August 5 2012, 11:53:01 UTC
You sound like we have tons in common! I wonder why I never really see you around? Should've paid more attention, probably.

You're a busy bee though, with all the stuff you like in the HP fandom!

What kind of graphics do you make? I would love to be able to make banners and all that but I have absolutely zero talent. *sighs*


appleling August 5 2012, 12:53:03 UTC
Oh hello! I've seen you around and I remember you mostly because you have a gorgeous and totally unique username. :D

I'm everywhere in fandom all the time. I hardly stay still long enough in one comm for people to notice me LOL. But the one comm I always go back to is Bottom!Draco (it was the first comm I joined when I first started in lj and because of that, I'm rather loyal to it).

When I do have time... which was very rare lately because of my job and masters degree...I make icons. I'm still terribly new at all these photshopping business but I get by. Am still an amateur though.


lordes August 5 2012, 12:55:59 UTC
O_O Wow, thank you.

Oh, what kind of job do you have? And you're still studying? Sheesh girl you are busy!

I can only use photoshop for drawing. That works out relatively okay, but once I start with graphics... well Ic an make icons, but I'm not very good at it. xD I don't know all the secrets that make them look awesome when other people do it. But I can resize!! :D LOL So what kind of icons do you make? Stock? Fandom?

When I saw your username just now it reminded me of a friend of mine who always used "appeltye" on her Dutch blog site.

Nice to meet you! :D


appleling August 5 2012, 13:04:07 UTC
I work in PR. Even at work, half the week was spent running all over town, going to client meetings and fancy events/interviews LOL. My job requires me to smile a lot, talk a lot, practically eat, sleep and breathe on coffee fumes because without it I won't be able to keep my eyes open. Sometimes, I enjoy doing what I do but lately, not so much.

I can't draw shit with photoshop LOL. I don't even know why. I can tweak icons... play around with their colors but that's about it.

'appeltye'... REALLY?! You know, my last name is Tye.

Nice to meet you too!


evening12 August 5 2012, 14:15:21 UTC
*waves shyly* Bonjour. I've seen you around. I always wanted to say that I love love love your icon. It's so pretty. Plus, the one with Draco and Harry dancing with leaves me in a fit of giggles usually.

*flails* A Remus/Sirius fan!! I don't know enough of them. I usually run with Drarry fans so I cheerish my Remus/Sirius friends.

And unrelated to fandom, I am a fellow master's a completely different field though. I give you extra cheer because I know how tough being a master's student can be. :)


appleling August 5 2012, 14:25:18 UTC
Oh hello, darling! I remember you. I always seem to see you everywhere lately :D

And yes, the Dancing!Harry and Draco one is cute eh? It was made from a very cute fanvid...speaking of which, remind me to show it to you sometime, yeah?

*gasps* OMG YOU SHIP SIRIUS/REMUS TOO?! Finally, I have someone to squee with! Most people I know either ship Harry/Draco or Snape/Harry or both but not Sirius/Remus *pouts*

And yay for the masters student part! Studying drives me absolutely nutty sometimes so I'm glad I have someone to complain with now :D

Adding you to my f-list!


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