PS/SS Chapter Sixteen Through the Trapdoor

Feb 24, 2007 01:25

Harry's first year at Hogwarts is almost over, he's gotten through several finals, but now it's time to go Through the Trapdoor of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone Chapter Sixteen ( Read more... )

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PS:16 - Through the Trapdoor (Bloomsbury 1997) - 1 pica_scribit February 25 2007, 06:11:45 UTC
High winds and thunderstorm knocked out our power again today, so I'm a bit late getting to this once again. I should be sleeping. I should be showering to get the dirt out of my ears from working outside today. But I have to do this, don't I?

1) The Forgetfulness Potion. When in God's name would something like this ever be useful? Do you really want to teach it to a bunch of 11-year-old?

2) Harry's headaches and nightmares. They are getting worse. Is Voldemort somehow more focused on Harry than he was before? Does he consider him more of a threat since Harry saw him in the Forest?

3) Harry and Voldemort. Harry is very focussed on Voldemort and on keeping him from getting the Stone. Ron and Hermione are not. Harry takes Voldemort personally, because of his parents. This demonastrates the power of prophesy. If Voldemort hadn't tried to kill Harry as a baby, Harry would not now be so keen on thwarting him. Isn't "thwart" a wonderful word?

4) The 1637 Werewolf Code of Conduct. There she goes, mentioning werewolves ( ... )


PS:16 - Through the Trapdoor (Bloomsbury 1997) - 2 pica_scribit February 25 2007, 06:12:42 UTC
11) Snape being sarcastic. Immediately after the trio part company with McGonagall, they run into Snape, who knows they are up to something. Now, it is my personal belief that it's not possible to read someone's mind without them knowing something is going on. I don't think Snape has been inside Harry's mind at all yet. But I do think he is a shrewd judge of character, and I think it's entirely possible that McGonagall has also just told him what the trio told her.

12) "Be warned, Potter -- any more night-time wanderings and I will personally make sure you are expelled." Snape makes empty threats. Harry's been all over that castle at all hours, and been caught by Snape numerous times, with no result. There's no way Dumbledore would allow Harry to be expelled, and surely Snape knows it. Also, this statement is directed at Harry, despite the fact that Hermione is right there and she was with Harry last time he was caught.

13) Hermione waiting for Flitwick. Snape knew exactly why she was there. His generous fetching of ( ... )


PS:16 - Through the Trapdoor (Bloomsbury 1997) - 3 pica_scribit February 25 2007, 06:13:22 UTC
21) "If anything happens to me [...] send Hedwig to Dumbledore." Why didn't they do this before they started out? Surely getting word to Dumbledore was at least a big a priority as following "Snape" to the stone.

22) Hermione isn't practical. When she's under pressure she misses the obvious, as with lighting a fire to destroy the Devil's Snare.

23) Things guarding the stone.- Fluffy (Hagrid): The harp has been used to get through ( ... )


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