Welcome to the Read-Down

Feb 08, 2007 02:21

This is a read-down community for Harry Potter. What's a "read-down" you ask? Well, it's like a countdown, except we'll be reading for it. With 162 chapters of Harry Potter to read and review until the final book in the series Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is released on July 21, 2007, I thought it might be neat to get a whole bunch of Harry Potter fans together to read a chapter a night and discuss anything that comes to mind for this once ever opportunity. No one else will ever have the chance to experience the books like we are right now. After July 21st, most of the world will know how the Potter series ends. So let's speculate and theorize and debate the next few months away together!

A few ground rules and warnings
As this is a discussion and organized debate community there will constantly be spoilers I highly recommend you have read the entire Harry Potter series AT LEAST ONCE before joining this community. We will be discussing anything and everything that comes to mind while reading the chapters and this WILL definitely include how what we read affects future events especially how it may effect book 7.

We do however ask that all discussions be kept to a PG-13 rating as there are many many young fans of the books. The mods reserve the rights to delete any posts that we deem to break this rule, or any posts that go off topic.

Also, we will not permit any bashing in this community. We expect you to be able to articulate your thoughts without resorting to insults of others or their beliefs. Also, try to keep shipping discussions to a minimum as they often lead to hurt egos and dead ends.

Proper grammar and spelling to the best of your ability are also expected. After all, Harry Potter isn't published in netspeek (yet).

We do not require that you cite everything in MLA or APA format or anything, but it may be useful when you are referring to a specific passage or event to tell us what page and edition your are looking at.

Organization of the Community
Each day starting February 10th, a new post will be added by the moderator with the title of the book and chapter that we will be discussing, there may also be a short summary and possibly even some prompts as to what to discuss. We anticipate that you will have read the chapter the day/night before and are ready to discuss it when the chapter post surfaces around midnight US EST. You will then reply to these posts with whatever you feel is important and discussion worthy. Others may then in turn respond to you, or respond to the original post with ideas of their own.

If you join in late, feel free to post about chapters we've already covered at your own speed. However, we ask that you carefully read posts that have already been made (and yes, we realize that there may be many many long threads) to make sure what you have to say hasn't already been discussed thoroughly. This rule applies to all discussions. No use beating a dead thestral right?

Calendar of Scheduled Readings

We have 162 chapters to get through before Deathly Hallows comes out. Feb 9th is 162 days prior to the release date of July 21st and so that is when the discussions will begin. Here's a baseline of when each book will start to be discussed (assuming I haven't messed up my math too badly).Due to my horrible/2am typing and counting skills a few corrections have been made, including starting the readdown on the 9th instead of the 10th as originally posted. Sorry!

February 9th 2007 Discussion on Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone begins with Chapter One: The Boy Who Lived
February 25th 2007 Discussion on Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone ends with Chapter Seventeen: The Man With Two Faces
February 26th 2007 Discussion on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets begins with Chapter One: The Worst Birthday
March 15th 2007 Discussion on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ends with Chapter Eighteen: Dobby's Reward
March 16th 2007 Discussion on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban begins with Chapter One: Owl Post
April 6th 2007 Discussion on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ends with Chapter Twenty-Two: Owl Post Again
April 7th 2007 Discussion on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire begins with Chapter One: The Riddle House
May 13th 2007 Discussion on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ends with Chapter Thirty Seven: The Beginning
May 14th 2007 Discussion on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix begins with Chapter One: Dudley Demented
June 20th 2007 Discussion on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ends with Chapter Thirty Eight: The Second War Begins
June 21st 2007 Discussion on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince begins with Chapter One: The Other Minister
July 20th 2007 Discussion on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ends with Chapter Thirty: The White Tomb
July 20th 2007 Thousands of us line up for our own copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
July 21st 2007 Release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

You can view the community's memories for quick links to Chapters sorted by book. Table of Contents of Discussions

We hope you'll meet some new friends, think about things in a different way, and enjoy the final months of speculation before the world learns the final outcome of Harry's battle against You-Know-Who (Voldemort to the brave).

Feel free to introduce yourselves in replies to this post. Also, if you have any questions, concerns, issues, etc you may address them to:
readdown_mod by simply replying to the (so far) only entry in the journal. All comments will be screened for your protection.
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