Okay, I can't wait 2 weeks...

May 20, 2012 02:56

Be ye prepared for pic spam...

Massive pic spam below.... )

crochet, amigurumi

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Comments 32

droxy May 20 2012, 21:52:04 UTC
Question- what do you do with all the knitted food?


hp5freak May 21 2012, 04:32:23 UTC
After the display, I'm just not sure...

I think I may give away/sell some of it...other parts...I just don't know yet. :D


droxy May 21 2012, 04:41:01 UTC
Stuff with catnip = cat toys!!!


hp5freak May 21 2012, 05:05:51 UTC
I've considered that...but the dog seems to think some of these toys are hers...and the fight that would ensue is just not worth it. :D


hardhatcat May 21 2012, 00:57:08 UTC


hp5freak May 21 2012, 04:32:36 UTC
Thank you! *glomps*


hardhatcat May 21 2012, 04:36:23 UTC
i'm alwasy impressed by your work! I ahd to email a link to your post to a friend of mine that does a little crochet work. She was blown away as well!


hp5freak May 21 2012, 04:38:03 UTC
*blush, blush, blush*

Share away, darlin'. :D


lunaneela May 21 2012, 01:45:45 UTC

Amazing and fun to see!! I can see all of this at a county fair for others to enjoy the fun!!

Thank you for sharing Amber!


hp5freak May 21 2012, 05:07:27 UTC
Thank you! These are going up at the library in less than 2 weeks, so that's as close to the county fair as I'm getting with these. :D

*hugs* How are you?


willow_wand May 21 2012, 04:10:01 UTC
You did an incredible job! INCREDIBLE!!!! Congratulations, bb. This is going to be the most epic display EVER!!!! I can't wait to hear how people like it! :D

PS. The shrimps!!! Those are my favorites, I think. So cool!


hp5freak May 21 2012, 04:37:19 UTC

Thank you, bb!!! I'm eager to show the pics to the coordinator tomorrow. :D

The shrimps came from here.


willow_wand May 21 2012, 05:02:48 UTC
Thanks! I think I have the right colors to make some! ;)


hp5freak May 21 2012, 05:06:36 UTC
They were pretty easy...and I don't think they required stuffing. :D


aalia7 May 21 2012, 15:16:23 UTC
Again, amazing! I love seeing these pics because we can really see the crochet stitches and how they all went together. Well, people like me can imagine how they were assembled, but, frankly, it seems a bit superhuman. :)


hp5freak May 21 2012, 16:42:50 UTC
And then today I found out instead of the smaller case I had been told they were going in, they are going in a much LARGER area. Oh, save us, I'm freaked out again!

Superhuman, I ain't, but I'm working on it.


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