*emits high pitched mini-shriek...*

Apr 30, 2012 01:14

I did a count up of the number of pieces I have left to do of the PLANNED pieces of amigurumis.....


75 pieces left! Most of them are veggies and a few fruits. I'm kinda disappointed because I did a mango....followed the directions and all....and it looks far too tiny to be a mango...also, it recommended a bright orange yarn, but when I googled ( Read more... )

crochet, amigurumi

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Comments 16

auntypsycho April 30 2012, 08:31:12 UTC
Yes mangoes are green with some red on them . HOWEVER . Pakistani mangoes are a yellowy orange colour


They have a slightly different flavour to the other mangoes and may only be available in certain areas which is why they were done in an orange colour . either that or you were meant to realise that they had been peeled before crocheting?? .


hp5freak April 30 2012, 15:58:54 UTC
that's the whole thing...I'm using a pattern I found on the internet...but it's not a helpful pattern and I do think it's written to be one of those type of mangoes....

*sighs and ponders how to rework it to be right*


jewells68 April 30 2012, 12:03:11 UTC
The hotdog and chips is too adorable. You go, crochet queen! only 75 left!


hp5freak April 30 2012, 15:59:36 UTC
It's far less obscene now that I've added ketchup and mustard to it. :D Thank you!!

*goes as fast as she can and resents work for getting in the way*


ofenjen April 30 2012, 12:25:07 UTC
Your post just made my morning! Your ami food is all too perfect!

Also? *glomps*


hp5freak April 30 2012, 16:00:05 UTC
Sadly, the mango will have to be reworked...I shall ponder this.

Also? *tackle hugs*


aalia7 April 30 2012, 13:48:01 UTC
75! Go! Go! Go! *shakes pompoms frantically*

When you posted that your mom had made spaghetti and then you made a crochet version, I was picturing it in my head. That picture is what I saw!

Just like auntypsycho said, there are smaller orange mangoes, known as Ataulfo or Champagne mangoes over here. Maybe you could group it with some other tropical fruit, so it seems more mango-ish.:)


hp5freak April 30 2012, 16:00:59 UTC
*works frantically to keep up*

I think I'mma have to rework the whole pattern for it. *sighs*

*ponders the reworking*


auntypsycho May 1 2012, 19:01:34 UTC
Ya see???? I learnt something new today .. I never knew they were called Ataulfo mangoes . I only know them as Pakistani mangoes because that's what they were called in the area where I lived.


aalia7 May 2 2012, 13:35:51 UTC
It is my duty to know all about mangoes, because my husband is a mango fiend. He even had mango trees in his backyard growing up in Bangladesh. :)


craftylilthing April 30 2012, 19:44:27 UTC

Keep on crocheting!


craftylilthing April 30 2012, 19:44:51 UTC
Love the chips!


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