Because lj decided to go down the last few days I'm extending the challenge! You now have until August 3rd to enter :)
Please let me know if you are unable to finish or if you need another extension because of lj.
The following users still need to enter:
enriana |
little_witch19 |
jenmixelle |
sharpay |
los_york |
stepinsidelove |
violet_light_ |
softfallen |
ginny_lv_harry |
flipflop_diva |
flyingharmony |
dolphinsmile18 |
jedisakora |
alwaysawkward |
bexta1989 |
dominoart |
immortalje |
rosalen_knight |
native_spirit |
autumnxdays |
kiwikata |
lady_kingsley |
talath_dirnen |
shocko_o |
pretty_panther |
asmazing |
eternalkanda |
narniacmr |
xtine005 |
sweetlambn_n >>