Title: More Reasons Than Expected Author: indigoskynet House: Slytherin Challenge: Battle Words: 100 by MSWord Characters: Andromeda and Nymphadora Tonks Notes: Spoilers for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
I was tired of hearing people say what an irresponsible mother Tonks was; that she should've been home with the baby if Remus had to go and fight.
Even with the compromised Ministry, Tonks took her job very seriously, IMO. Plus, I needed to have an explanation more sensible than "she just wanted to be at Remus' side." I loved their romance, but that just made her out senseless and lovestruck, and it irked me.
Comments 5
Very nice. I love all the different interpretations of Lupin's death that are cropping up everywhere.
Even with the compromised Ministry, Tonks took her job very seriously, IMO. Plus, I needed to have an explanation more sensible than "she just wanted to be at Remus' side." I loved their romance, but that just made her out senseless and lovestruck, and it irked me.
My Tonks was not a ninny.
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