Title: Making Friends Author: greasers Challenge: #218: Battle House: Hufflepuff Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley Notes: Post DH -- this drabble contains SPOILERS. Rating: G
Oh, that would be the downfall of paternal respect. :) "Your dad cries in the girl's bathroom!" I can see a possibility though, these two men are more alike than they would admit.
Lol, I love to imagine this happening, and then imagine Harry and Draco's reactions when they find out. Draco would probably drop dead of a heart attack. :P
"Your dad cries in the girl's bathroom!" = Full of win. Had me cracking up.
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"Your dad cries in the girl's bathroom!" I can see a possibility though, these two men are more alike than they would admit.
"Your dad cries in the girl's bathroom!" = Full of win. Had me cracking up.
And thanks for commenting. :D
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