(no subject)

May 25, 2006 22:18

Title: OOTP R&R, VII.
House: Ravenclaw
Rating: PG
Challenge: Staff Development
Word Count: 100
A/N: Oh, the insanity...

27.) “Nobby Nobbs” is not an appropriate nickname for Mundungus Fletcher. “Cut-Me-Own-Throat” is also considered rude.

28.) Please do not set Dumbledore’s beard on fire again. No, not even “by accident” or “to see the look on his face”.

29.) Do not sleep with the Death Eaters. If you must sleep with the Death Eaters, please do not ask loud questions in public places about sexually transmitted diseases you may have picked up.

30.) If you should hear a loud question about sexually transmitted diseases picked up from Death Eaters, please do not respond “Ask Lupin, he’s had them all.”


Title: OOTP R&R, VIII.
House: Ravenclaw
Rating: PG
Challenge: Staff Development
Word Count: 100

31.) Ron. Hermione. The task of “Recruiting new Order members” does not, in fact, extend to reproduction. Stop it.

32.) Dumbledore’s lemon drops are not “crack with a citrus tang”, and are not meant to be ground up and snorted.

33.) The Pensive is not intended for the storage of pornography, Severus, no matter how much you think Lupin’s arse is worth remembering.

34.) Side of justice or no, the next person to ask Harry if he’s having “A case of the Monday’s” will be slapped.

35.) Disillusionment charms are not to be used for voyeurism. This means you, Tonks.
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