Title: Shadows
Rating: G or PG
Challenge: The Squid of Hogwarts Lake
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Pansy Parkinson, Giant Squid
Author's Notes: Never thought I'd find Pansy so enjoyable to write. Never thought I'd use the word 'the' too much in a 100 word drabble.
Shadows )
Comments 5
Wait...now what do I do with my life?
Thanks! XD
And the second one makes me nuts. I hate people that misunderstand animals...
Ditto. I always love looking at things from other creatures' points of view, keeping in mind that they are not monsters OR humans, and thus can hardly be understood. But...I try.
And I hate how pernickity I am, but isn't it Dennis who falls in the lake?
Though yeah, that's not to say Colin didn't, for all we know, he might have too.
Mack x
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