Title: A Wormtale Story Word Count: 100 House: Gryffindor Characters: Peter/Remus Rating: PG Challenge: Constant Vigilance Author's Note: I’m not really good at slash, sorry guys
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Subtle and intriguing, with multiple potential directions contained in that one last sentence. Neat. As for how well you do slash, I've always preferred ambiguous over LOOKATUSWEARESOINLOOOVE, so this was nice.
Wow, this is really good. Lots of subtext to play with and I love how I was totally misdirected by my own preconceptions...and I didn't read whom it was about (cause I always skip that part).
Comments 4
Subtle and intriguing, with multiple potential directions contained in that one last sentence. Neat. As for how well you do slash, I've always preferred ambiguous over LOOKATUSWEARESOINLOOOVE, so this was nice.
And, YAY, someone else listens to The Killers...
[The Killers = le sex!]
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