Title: Prison Party
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Sirius and Bella
Challenge: Party
Word Count: 100
Notes: I would take the opportunity to torture her too.
Idly leaning against the door of his cell, Sirius looked at Bellatrix, “So, Crouch finally caught you, cousin. Are we expecting anyone else, then? Lucius? Narcissa
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Comments 6
To the last one - aw, sad. Painfully realistic as well.
LOL! Icon adoration...I've never seen a moose, a mountie, or an igloo all the times I went to Canada either.
“Still spouting the party line, Bella?”
Too cool. Love your choice of using the word 'party'. ^_^
I saw that no one else had used it yet...
And the second one was good. It's so true.. and it's a scary thought that teenagers are the main ones going to war. They're too young to have this burden! =(
The second one felt very Ender's Game to me when I was writing it. I don't know if that came across to anyone else...
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