Title: Baby of Mine House: Slytherin Challenge: Beginnings Pairing: Percy/Tonks Rating: G Notes: This goes with a story I wrote, but I had the thought of their baby and how he would react. It seems to be a trend for this challenge. ( 1 )
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I like these. The first has a weird sense of foreshadowing. The second, *pain* I loved it, it's sad, yet happy, beautiful and painful. The end of it is perfect simple and meaningful. Also I love the fact that Sirius and Snape, two people who hated and distrusted each other are the "two raven-haired men fallen for the cause".
Ooh. I missed the foreshadowing of Percy and Tonks baby. Hmm. That might be fun to play with later one.
And I'm glad you liked the second one. I made Sirius and Snape be the two because they were link (along with Lupin) to Harry's past. Now, there's no one that Harry knows from his parents past, his only link to knowing them. Luna died because I think it would spur Harry one. To see someone so innocent die, it would be a driving force. All she did was exist.
Comments 2
And I'm glad you liked the second one. I made Sirius and Snape be the two because they were link (along with Lupin) to Harry's past. Now, there's no one that Harry knows from his parents past, his only link to knowing them. Luna died because I think it would spur Harry one. To see someone so innocent die, it would be a driving force. All she did was exist.
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