HP NextGen Fest 2011

Nov 14, 2010 18:27

Hey fellow Next Gen fans!!

This is snarkyscorp and _aurora_sky_, your new mods for hp_nextgen_fest! We are both avid Next Gen lovers, and we're super excited to be running the fest! :D

Please check out our community, as one of your mods, Aurora, drew a new header for us! It's absolutely phenomenal and drool-worthy, as usual.

For the 2011 Fest, we're going to run a Prompt Claim Fest. In the past, Next Gen Fest has been an Exchange Fest, where you get a 'gift' and submit a 'gift', but this usually lends itself to, unfortunately, a lot of drop outs and us mods ripping our hair out trying to coerce and seduce friends into pinch hitting at the last minute. We'd much rather have a relaxed, low stress fest for all of us, where quality is more important than quantity.

That said, the scheduling will run a bit differently this year and will be as follows:

2011 NextGen Fest Schedule

Prompting: November 21-27
Prompt Claim & Signups: November 29-December 5
Submissions Due: February 21
Posting Begins: March 7

How to Signup

There are two-count 'em, TWO!-ways to signup for this year's fest:
1. Claim a prompt when Prompt Claiming goes live November 29 - December 5.
2. Comment on the Prompt Claim post November 29 - December 5, letting us know you're creating your own prompt.
This way, even if you don't like the prompts, there's still a way to participate. Again, low stress, super relaxed. :)

Everyone can claim up to 2 prompts but you can only claim a second after you’ve submitted your first. You can claim a second prompt anytime before the submission due date.

We will be posting the prompting template later this week and then prompting will go live on November 21. Prompts can be anything, from detailed story ideas to kinks, poetry, music, dirty pictures, etc.

If you have any questions, first check this handy dandy FAQ info post! and then if you’re still confused please email us at ngfestmods@gmail.com.


What is a Prompt Claim Fest?
A prompt claim fest works off the idea that everyone submits prompts for story ideas. A prompt can be anything, from a quote or song lyric to your favourite photograph, kink, word, etc. Everyone submits prompts, everyone claims the prompts they want to write for, and we all have a blast.

How do I submit a prompt and how many can I submit?
On November 21, a prompt submission post will go live. From then to November 27, you can submit as many prompts as you like via comments on that post! It's fun, addictive, and the more prompts we have, the more people can be inspired.

How do I claim a prompt?
When prompt claim goes live on November 29, comment on that post with the prompt you want from the list we’ll provide. Prompt claim ends December 5.

How many prompts can I claim?
Two. However, please note that you must submit your first finished fic or art before you can claim a second prompt. You may do this by sending us an email to ngfestmods@gmail.com with the prompt you want anytime before submissions are due on February 21, 2011.

How many times can one prompt be claimed?
Two. We don't want to discourage anyone from claiming, but at the same time, we don't want 50 fics based off the same exact prompt. ;) If you see a prompt crossed out, that means it's already been claimed twice and is no longer up for grabs.

For fics, what is the minimum and maximum word counts allowed?
There is no maximum, and the minimum is 1,000 words. For fics longer than 10,000 words, you will need to break them up into sections, since LJ only allows around 10,000 words per post.

I don’t want to choose a prompt from the list or I have my own idea. Can I still participate?
Yes! You are welcome to create a story or artwork based on your own idea or prompt. You can signup in this manner during the prompt claim dates.

Are there rules or restrictions?
Rules schmools!! Actually, yes, we do have rules, though. ;) You can find them here or via our userinfo.

Any further questions we haven't addressed, please email ngfestmods@gmail.com


1. Next gen is defined as containing at least one central character from the Epilogue of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and the interviews with J. K. Rowling (see Accio Quote for details). A full list of Next Gen characters can be found in our userinfo.

2. Femmeslash, gen, het and slash requests and submissions are all welcome in the exchange. Cross gen is considered next gen if there is one next gen character involved (i.e. Harry/Scorpius, Snape/Rose, Hagrid/Hugo -someone please write that last one!).

3. You must be at least 18 years of age to participate. Please also adhere to LJ's rules on viewing any R or NC-17 material, which should be done at your discretion.

4. Sign-ups will be open November 29 through December 5, 2010.

5. This is an anonymous fest. Please try to keep your work anonymous for the duration of the fest. Submitted works should not be posted anywhere else by the author/artist until reveals are up.

6. Guidelines for submissions:
- Fiction must be at least 1000 words in length and must be beta read. We will send submissions with grammar and spelling problems back to participants for further editing. Please add all of the appropriate html tags to your entries.
- Art should be a finished piece that has taken more than an hour to complete.
- While you should pay attention to the prompt you are given, since this is NOT an exchange fest, you are NOT writing or drawing for anybody else. If you stray from your prompt, that's cool. If you use it as a jumping off point, also cool.

7. Please stay in touch. If you will have a problem submitting in a timely fashion, please email us as soon as you know via ngfestmods@gmail.com. We will send out deadline reminders, but we need to know about problems as they occur so we can plan around them. Don't be afraid to contact us for any reason, even if you need to dropout. We will not hunt you down.

If you're unfamiliar with fests, please read r_becca's guide to being a good fest participant before you sign up.

Want some pimping banners? Of course you do! Check 'em out and use wherever you see fit:




-Snarky & Aurora

*fest: 2011, !banners, !rules, !mod post

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