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Comments 91

nearlyconscious January 20 2015, 16:24:31 UTC
Name: nearlyconscious
Main character(s)/pairing: Draco, Draco/Pansy as friendship or romance
Mental health issue: PTSD, social anxiety
Additional prompt: Draco is haunted by the war and makes nightmares, is anxious to go out in public. Pansy won't let him isolate himself like he did in Hogwarts; she's determined to help him this time.
Squicks: scat, noncon, gore, chan
Maximum rating: any


nearlyconscious January 20 2015, 16:29:16 UTC
Name: nearlyconscious
Main character(s)/pairing: Millicent/Pansy, Millicent/Luna, Millicent/Daphne
Mental health issue: bipolar disorder II
Additional prompt: Millicent has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and she's afraid to be a burden for her partner, although she tries her best not to let her mood swings and other symptoms (insomnia and hypersomnia, depression, hypomania, hypersexuality, ...) affect their relationship negatively.
Squicks: chan, gore, scat
Maximum rating: NC17


swissmarg January 20 2015, 16:59:05 UTC
Name: swissmarg
Main character(s)/pairing: Angelina/George (Angelina/Fred)
Mental health issue: Capgras delusion
Additional prompt: Angelina believes that Fred never died, and has taken George's place.
Squicks: Child abuse, Incest
Maximum rating: Any


swissmarg January 20 2015, 17:03:52 UTC
Name: swissmarg
Main character(s)/pairing: Severus/Hermione
Mental health issue: Amnesia
Additional prompt: Severus didn't die, but his injuries led to him forgetting everything about his adult life. Hermione wants to make him remember. Starting with the fact that they were lovers during her 6th year.
Squicks: None that I think would be inspired by this prompt.
Maximum rating: Any


swissmarg January 20 2015, 17:09:11 UTC
Name: swissmarg
Main character(s)/pairing: Hermione/Severus or Hermione & Severus
Mental health issue: Panic attacks
Additional prompt: Hermione worries about her schoolwork so much she gets panic attacks. Severus comes across her having one and helps her.
Squicks: None that I think this prompt would engender. Hermione should be at least 16 if there is sexual activity.
Maximum rating: Any


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