"With a Little Help from His Friends (Remus Lupin, Moaning Myrtle, assorted familiars, a painting)

Aug 09, 2013 19:27

Author: Anonymous
Prompt/Prompt Author: As a student, before he made life-long friends in the Marauders, Remus was a lonely boy. He found solace and companionship where he could. - tjs_whatnot
Title: With a Little Help From His Friends
Characters: A very young Remus Lupin, Moaning Myrtle, assorted familiars and a painting
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Medium: pencil, colored pencil and acrylic paint on paper
Summary: Remus gets a little homework support from his friends
Author's Notes: Thanks to tjs_whatnot for such a lovely prompt. I know what's it's like to be lonely, so this prompt jumped out at me immediately. Having friends, no matter where you find them, is the best magic in the world.

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