List of Last Year's Prompts

May 16, 2013 12:52

To make your lives easier, we’ve made a shiny list of all unclaimed 2012 prompts. The prompts that got written are removed, which explains why there are missing numbers in this list, for we’ve kept the old numbering.

The prompts that were claimed by writers who had to drop out are added - they deserve a second chance.

If you claim a prompt from this list, do not forget to mention this on your claiming form.


Characters: Alastor Moody, Albus Dumbledore
Prompt: Alastor thought Albus was a badly dressed prat, Albus fears Alastor is a few straws short of a Nimbus. When they're forced to work together, will they be able to do it?
Likes: Snark. Alastor being younger than Albus, but not one of Albus' student young.
Dislikes: All knowing, all perfect Albus.

Characters: Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt
Prompt: Veterans and rookies - or, the difference between hero worship and friendship.
Likes: Something set during or immediately after the first war would be great.
Dislikes: Moody as a paranoid caricature.

Characters: Albus Dumbledore, a merperson (other sentient magical beings, in the spirit if not the letter of the prompt, would be cool too).
Prompt: "Harry wondered where Dumbledore had learned Mermish."
Likes: Humor, especially dry. Canon compliance (both plotwise and characterization).
Dislikes: R or NC-17 material. Dark Dumbledore.

Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall
Prompt: Albus Dumbledore offered both comfort and wisdom, and told Minerva some of his own family history, previously unknown to her. The confidences exchanged that night between two intensely private and reserved characters were to form the basis of a lasting mutual esteem and friendship.
Likes: Witty banter. Thoughtful gesture. Them going to a Quidditch game. Dancing. Dumbledore singing. Comfort. Hugs.
Dislikes: Subtext about THAT interview (don't imply Dumbledore gay/flamboyant gay). Dumbledore/Grindewald. No character bashing, character vilification (aka no evil, manipulative Dumbledore).

Characters: Albus Severus Potter, Draco Malfoy, Lily Luna Potter, ghosts from the past (Severus Snape, Lily Evans)
Prompt: The things he sees aren't really there. There is no burned out shell of a mill behind his house, his mother has red hair not black... the only constant that proves he's not insane is Lily. She is the same in both worlds. When Albus Severus starts losing his grip on reality, his head of House Draco Malfoy is the only one who notices what is wrong with the boy. Mentor-student friendship.
Likes: N/a
Dislikes: N/a

Characters: Amelia Bones, anyone, or Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, anyone
Prompt: Loneliness.
Likes: Unlikely friendship, gruffness, monocles.
Dislikes: N/a

Characters: Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell
Prompt: Just anything about these three, on the pitch or off. (Were they friends the year before book one, when Alicia was a reserve and Katie was too young to compete?)
Likes: Humor, especially dry. Quidditch is good but feel free to go in a different direction.
Dislikes: R or NC-17 ratings, too much emphasis on background romance if there is any.

Characters: Augusta Longbottom, character of choice
Prompt: Augusta keeps a detailed list of former friends and the infractions they committed to be cut out of her life; only one person has ever made it back off the list.
Likes: Something set between the end of the first war and the end of canon preferred (for the sake of having Augusta at peak levels of crankiness and formidableness).
Dislikes: N/a

Characters: Bellatrix Black, Andromeda Black, Narcissa Black
Prompt: They were so close when they were young, and it hurt when they were driven apart.
Likes: Canon-compliance.
Dislikes: AU (either non-canon events or non-magic universe).

Characters: Bellatrix Lestrange (Black), Molly Weasley (Prewett)
Prompt: They were the most unlikely of friends. They never quite forgot each other, even after everything that happened. How did they become friends? Where did they meet, and what was it that drew them to each other? What was the final straw in their friendship? Did one of them make a conscious choice to leave the other? How did this effect them as they grew older and further apart?
Likes: Strong characterizations, vivid imagery, simple/clean plots complicated by characters and their quirks, secrets, sunlight, summer.
Dislikes: Porn, pet names/nicknames, focus on plot instead of characters (I love plot, but I think that the characters are the most important thing).

Characters: Celestina Warbeck, Filius Flitwick
Prompt: Well, who'd have thought that they have a musical interest in common?
Likes: Music! Does Celestina have a private weakness for classical music? Or Filius for cauldrons full of hot, strong love (acoustically speaking)?
Dislikes: Bashing of any musical genre.

Characters: Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan
Prompt: Surely your average kid with knowledge of the Muggle world would miss a thing or two (e.g. television, fast food, comic books), even with all that Hogwarts has to offer. Dean and Seamus conspire to get their hands on something they've been missing.
Likes: n/a
Dislikes: n/a

Characters: Draco Malfoy, any non-Slytherin female of his year, possibly more than one
Prompt: Through convoluted circumstances he'd rather not discuss, Draco ends up a "volunteer" at a rape crisis center. The friend(s) he makes there will change him in ways he could never imagine.
Likes: Thoughtful, character-driven fic, in-character characterization.
Dislikes: Smut, PWP, OOC behavior with no explanations.

Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, (more characters at writer's discretion)
Prompt: After the war, Draco finds out he has a squib sibling. He wants to get to know to him/her and turns to Harry for help, seeing he is the only one of his acquaintances that knows the Muggle World.
Likes: Some kind of loose friendship between Harry and Draco after Harry testified at Draco's trial that progresses through the fic.
Dislikes: Character bashing. The squib sibling getting killed.

Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger
Prompt: Draco and Hermione become best friends after the war.
Likes: I would love to have a little bit of Harry/Draco included in the story <3
Dislikes: No bashing of Ron or of the trio friendship, please! :)

Characters: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson
Prompt: Draco talking Pansy out of joining the Death Eaters.
Likes: Surprises, fluff, happy endings, mindfuck, crack.
Dislikes: Horror, incest, abuse, gore, dark!fic.

Characters: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson
Prompt: The light side won the war, but its effects traumatised many members of the Wizarding community. For their wrongs, both Draco and Pansy are given the choice between Azkaban or the Ministry's new program. Not able to stomach Azkaban, both Draco and Pansy go for the program, which places them in the care of a key member in the light side's victory. Unusually, they are both requested by Harry Potter, and are happy to be placed together... until they figure out why. The war changed Harry more than any other and he's grown cold, calculated and dark and wants revenge. He gets it when he is given Draco and Pansy. Harry uses Pansy to punish Draco and Draco to punish Pansy, and considering they are best friends, it's extremely effective. Will Draco and Pansy still be able to keep up their friendship in such trying times?
Likes: Strong Draco and Pansy friendship - almost a sibling-love type relationship, dark!Harry, darkfic, angst, non-con, punishment, revenge, jealousy.
Dislikes: Feminine men, mpreg, crossdressing, genderfuck, femdom, nicknames.

Characters: Ernie McMillan, Justin Finch-Fletchley, or any other Muggle-Born and Pure-Blood
Prompt: Growing up in a Pure-Blood family makes you think Muggle-Borns are simple, uninteresting, manner-less and generally not worth your time, but he/she is actually a wonderful friend.
Likes: Witty banter, all kinds of magic, canon compatibility, magical creatures, humour.
Dislikes: Cliché and kitch, pregnancies and babies, OOCness, angst, AU in which canon deaths are disrespected, next gen, violence, pwp, non/dub con, Death Eaters.

Characters: Filius Flitwick, Aberforth Dumbledore
Prompt: HBP+ - Veteran survivors.
Likes: N/a
Dislikes: N/a

Characters: Ginny Weasley-Potter, Blaise Zabini
Prompt: Unrequited love turns into friendship: Blaise has always been in love with Ginny. When a Quidditch accident ends her career as a pro-player, she falls into a deep depression. Harry, who is about to become the youngest Head Auror of the wizarding world, is unable to give her the support she needs. When Blaise Zabini asks her to model for his newest line of Quidditch gear, Ginny is hesitant. Harry encourages her to go, and Ginny finds a friend at the most unlikely of places.
Likes: In denial gay!Blaise, supportive, if quirky next gen kids.
Dislikes: Graphic het sex scenes (between Harry/Ginny or others).

Characters: Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Draco Malfoy
Prompt: I would love to read a fully canon-compatible story from Greg's point-of-view of 6th and 7th year, losing both his best friends, the one to an impossible task and the Death Eaters, the other to the Carrows' agenda of racist violence and Fiendfyre.
Likes: Protective!Greg; Greg and Vince not as dumb as canon makes them out to be; aloof and arrogant Draco who realises too late that he needs his friends.
Dislikes: Slytherin bashing, Malfoy bashing, graphic het content.

Characters: For some reason I see Gryffindors.
Prompt: A drinking game gets a group of friends into deep trouble.
Likes: Shenanigans of all kinds. I challenge you to make me laugh without resorting to complete crack.
Dislikes: No sex please -- not for this one, anyway. And again, prefer no crack.

Characters: Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Megan Jones
Prompt: After being dumped by their boyfriends, these Hufflepuff women decide to take the city by storm. (Let's put it this way -- "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson gave me the idea for this one).
Likes: Female Empowerment, Neville-Cameo (though not as dumper), a new experience for all of them.
Dislikes: No drunkenness or over-weeping from these ladies, please.

Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy
Prompt: After Harry nearly kills Draco in the bathroom during HBP, something changes between them. Their friendship in not conventional or caring, but neither Harry nor Draco can help feeling a connection between them. They are forced together by circumstance and come to rely on each other despite all expectations. How do Harry and Draco feel abut their connection - do they deny it, even to themselves? Is their friendship unusual in any way - is it one-sided, does it last five minutes only, or is it something that changes the course of their lives? Is this a friendship that continues after school, or one that is broken as soon as one of the two is threatened? Do they ignore each others' political alignments, or does one of them change his 'allegiance'?
Likes: Strong characterizations, vivid imagery, simple/clean plots complicated by characters and their quirks, secrets, sunlight, dark hallways, stone walls, high ceilings, stained glass.
Dislikes: Porn, pet names/nicknames, focus on plot instead of characters (I love plot, but I think that the characters are the most important thing).

Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy
Prompt: Harry is a violent but intelligent youth who has just moved from St. Brutus' to Hogwarts. With a tumultuous childhood behind him, he finds it impossible to make friends, although he desperately wants some. Draco is the first one willing to give him a chance but with the opinions of everyone else clamouring to be heard, it's not smooth sailing.
Likes: Non-magic AU, realistic teenagers, as close to canon characterisation as possible.
Dislikes: Slytherins are amazing/Gryffindors are terrible, misogyny, character bashing, Ron and Hermione with anyone but each other.

Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Prompt: Appreciation.
Likes: Brotherly-sisterly type bonding. Appreciative Harry. Hugs. Showcasing how awesome Ron, Hermione and Harry are as people. Adventures! Fun! Banter. Silly harmless pranks. Hugs.
Dislikes: NC-17. Harmonian vibes. Character bashing/vilification. Implication of Ginny/Harry. Ooc-ness.

Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Prompt: "She's like my sister," he went on. "I love her like a sister, it's always been like that" (Harry acts like a brother to Hermione)
Likes: Harry and Hermione as platonic friends, a sibling like relationship. Harry-Ron friendship, Hermione-Ron friendship (with a side of romance). Trio sticking with each other as a unit - no hierarchies. HUGS! Having fun together (planning a trip, a prank,etc).
Dislikes: HARMONY/PUMPKIN PIE/Romantic!Harry/Hermione. Jealous and possessive Ron. Jerk!Ron, jerk!Harry, violent!Hermione. Ugly fights and insults between Ron and Hermione. Mention of Harry/Ginny.

Characters: Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood
Prompt: You made me care about girl's feelings.
Likes: Sensitive thoughtful appreciative Harry. Happy Luna. Happy Harry. Hugs. Magic. Magical creatures. Willingness to believe.
Dislikes: Implication of Harry/Ginny, implication of Neville/Luna. NC-17. Character bashing/vilification. Ooc-ness.

Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley
Prompt: Harry and Ron have been best friends forever. Ron knows in the bstract that Harry has cystic fibrosis but he never knew how bad it could get until now. He's not sure he can carry on watching.
Likes: Non-magic AU, realistic young adults, as close to canon characterisation as possible, awkwardness, angst. All types of ending welcome.
Dislikes: Slytherins are amazing/Gryffindors are terrible, misogyny, character bashing. For this one, no focus on any romantic relationships at all, please.

Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger
Prompt: After they helped him so much fighting Voldemort, Harry decides it's his turn to help Ron and Hermione, by helping them figuring things out.
Likes: Canon! (except I'd like it if we didn't see a lot of Ginny here).
Dislikes: OOC, 2nd Person PoV, Harry ont being a nice guy.

Characters: Harry Potter, Severus Snape
Prompt: Severus Snape lives. Harry feels a bond with Snape and pursues him to figure it out, learn more about this man, who has suddenly become so mysterious. Do they ever become close friends, or does the friendship remain one-sided? How does Harry span the gap between learning about Snape and the past, and moving forward into his own career and future? Does their friendship affect any of their other relationships? How much does Snape reveal to Harry about his life - does he hide from Harry in the wake of giving him his memories, or does he open up? Do they still argue? Are their arguments one-sided? How does Snape live after the War is over - what is his purpose, and can he find happiness?
Likes: Strong characterizations, vivid imagery, simple/clean plots complicated by characters and their quirks, secrets, sunlight, flying, the Forbidden Forest, shadows, unattractive, snarling, fighting, silence, everything at its own pace, impatience, contrast.
Dislikes: Porn, pet names/nicknames, focus on plot instead of characters (I love plot, but I think that the characters are the most important thing).

Characters: Harry Potter, Teddy Lupin
Prompt: An exploration, over the years, of how Harry taught Teddy how to mourn his parents and to make them proud, and how fulfilling that role helped Harry move on from his own losses.
Likes: Happy endings, smart fluff, snappy dialogue, canon pairings.
Dislikes: Gratuitous character death, character bashing, incest, pedophilia/pederasty.

Characters: Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Minerva McGonagall, assorted Hogwarts Staff
Prompt: "This is what best friends are for": Ginny and Minerva are tired of hearing Hermione complain about not having sex, so they decide to do something about it (or "Where Ginny Weasley, new Quidditch Professor, and Headmistress Minerva McGonagall are Hermione Granger's, Transfiguration Professor extraordinaire, best friends try and set her up with one Loony Lovegood (the new Divination Professor)")
Likes: Post-war, Hogwarts rebuilt, AU, Femslash, dialogues, happy endings, wit.
Dislikes: None.

Characters: Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall
Prompt: Hermione and McGonagall form a mentoring relationship after the war. Hermione knows how much she values Minerva's advice; she doesn't realize that Minerva needs her friendship just as much.
Likes: This prompt being filled! Have fun and write what you like about it, and I'm sure I will enjoy it.
Dislikes: Extreme angst.

Characters: The Hogwarts Staff
Prompt: A meeting of the Hogwarts Staff Book Club.
Likes: Bonus points for McGonagall and/or Flitwick and/or Snape being in attendance, as well as for vigorous debate and academic snark.
Dislikes: N/a

Characters: Lee Jordan, others (Kingsley Shacklebolt? Weasley twins? anybody?)
Prompt: Potterwatch - other episodes or just life on the run in general. Where did they broadcast from? Were the other code names that transparent? Etc.
Likes: Humor, keeping within the tone of the books, maybe seeing other minor characters we didn't follow during book 7.
Dislikes: R or NC-17 material.

Characters: Lily Evans, Severus Snape or Lily Evans, Remus Lupin
Prompt: "If I had a camera," I said, "I'd take a picture of you every day. That way I'd remember how you looked every single day of your life." -Nicole Krauss, The History of Love
Likes: Everything!

Dislikes: OOCness/crack, squicky things.

Characters: Luna Lovegood, anyone
Prompt: Someone helping Luna when she is being bullied by the other members of Ravenclaw.
Likes: Surprises, fluff, happy endings, mindfuck, crack.
Dislikes: Horror, incest, abuse, gore, dark!fic.

Characters: Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom
Prompt: "Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements - the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life - weren’t created at the beginning of time. (...)" - Lawrence Krauss
Likes: N/a
Dislikes: N/a

Characters: Luna Lovegood, Xenophilius Lovegood or Ginny Weasley, Arthur Weasley or Nymphadora Tonks, Ted Tonks, or really, any father/daughter pairing you can think of (OC fathers are welcome, as is making a minor canon character like, say, Kingsley or Rufus Scrimgeour a dad, and giving him an OC daughter. See dislikes for caveats, though)
Prompt: Father/daughter friendships. The transition of the relationship from parent/child to a more equal relationship of equals who can both learn from each other - ie, a friendship.
Likes: Obviously, a focus on the adult relationship to satisfy the purpose of this fest. Apart from that, go wild. Is it a single event that causes father and daughter to suddenly realise their relationship has changed? Or a more gradual thing that eventually dawns on them? I'd particularly love to see the relationship between father and daughter when there is no mother present to mediate it (either at all, ie she is dead, or not between them, ie the parents are separated/divorced), but that is entirely optional. There's such a focus in canon on mother/son, that I'd love the see the opposite.
Dislikes: Next-gen is a bit boring? Someone of Harry's generation or older and her father would be preferable.

Characters: Marauders (mainly Remus Lupin and Sirius Black)
Prompt: "I could bear, though not without pain, that all my loves had died... but I'd go mad if all my friends died." - Vinicius de Moraes (this is a free translation of an excerpt from a bigger text, so if someone does pick this prompt and they want the bigger text, I'd be happy to translate the rest!)
Likes: Marauders era, Severus Snape, HeadBoy!Remus, Halloween.
Dislikes: None.

Characters: The Marauders
Prompt: “I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken - and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived. ” -Margaret Mitchell, Gone With The Wind
Likes: Everything!
Dislikes: OOCness/crack, squicky things.

Characters: Dr. Mary (?) Granger, Narcissa Malfoy; Hogwarts staff of author's choice as supporting characters
Prompt: "Our grandchildren need a better education!" - Political campaigning in the Wizarding world creates extremely unlikely allies, and Hogwarts and the Ministry won't know what hit them.
Likes: Humour.
Dislikes: N/a

Characters: Michael Corner, Terry Boot, Anthony Goldstein
Prompt: Sirach 6: "A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter: he that has found one has found a treasure. There is nothing so precious as a faithful friend, and no scales can measure his excellence. A faithful friend is an elixir of life; and those who fear the Lord will find him. Whoever fears the Lord directs his friendship aright, for as he is, so is his neighbor also."
Likes: "Secrets of the Class List" speculation: "certain Big Questions are important to ask."
Dislikes: R or NC-17 ratings, bashing.

Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Aberforth Dumbledore
Prompt: They must have known each other, what with Minerva and Albus working so closely. I'd love to see a friendship between these two.
Likes: Canon-compliant.
Dislikes: De-aging the characters. OOC-ness.

Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Argus Filch
Prompt: "The cat could very well be man's best friend but would never stoop to admitting it." Doug Larson
I'd love to read a story about how Filch became the caretaker of Hogwarts, and Minerva's role in it.
Likes: Misanthrope Filch with a love for cats (Animagus or animal) and a deeply hidden heart of gold
Dislikes: N/a

Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Draco Malfoy
Prompt: In the process of pulling his life together post-DH (and mourning Snape far more than he ever thought he would) Malfoy comes to McGonagall with a reluctant confession - he wonders if there might be certain advantages (and at times, a welcome refuge) in being able to assume the anonymity of an Animagus form. Even though his few minutes as a ferret were an embarrassment at the time, he still recalls the heightened senses and the ease of movement and would like to discover whether he has the ability to experience that freedom again. Minerva questions how much is sincere interest in Animagus magic and how much is an emotional retreat from himself and his past - and fear of his future.
Likes: Let's make this a true mentoring relationship - that grows into a true friendship. Draco needs to be willing - albeit reluctantly - to learn more about his worst and his better natures - and Minerva must be willing to acknowledge that he does indeed HAVE a better nature. Things will NOT come easily to either of them but a true friendship will eventually grow out of it. Would also love to see Minerva come out of this with something - perhaps her own healing for the lingering shame she feels, that long ago she might have failed a young Severus, and the sorrow she carries in losing him, now. Would also love to see Hagrid and Fillius as part of the tale.
Dislikes: No romance or sexual relationship as such - which is not to say, there can't be touching and affection between them or a realization in each of them of the physical beauty of the other - whether in human or Animagus form.

Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Eileen Prince
Prompt: Minerva and Eileen had been best friends at school until Tom Riddle took an interest in Minerva, leaving a jealous Eileen behind. They reconciled when Severus started Hogwarts, Eileen hoping for Minerva's protection of her son and feeling betrayed when Minerva supported Dumbledore's decision to leave the Marauders unpunished after the Shrieking Shack Incident. When Severus comes to teach at Hogwarts and Minerva begins an affair with him, Eileen does everything in her power to make them split up.
Likes: I'd like to see Minerva's darker side here. Ultimately on the side of the light, her character should be defined by shades of gray.
Dislikes: OOC-ness.

Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick
Prompt: AU where they are sorted into, and become the Heads of House of, each other's canon houses (Pottermore spoiler alert: This was a real possibility and they tease each other about it.)
Likes: Maybe seeing the Marauders or trio through Flitwick's eyes, plausible "for want of a nail" situations
Dislikes: R or NC-17 material.

Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick
Prompt: Filius Flitwick welcomes the new instructor Minerva to Hogwarts.
Likes: Nervous Minerva.
Dislikes: Don't make Filius a fool.

Characters: Choose any or all of the following: Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, Argus Filch, Pomona Sprout, Alastor Moody, Rufus Scrimgeour, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Rolanda Hooch, Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, Charity Burbage, Madam Malkin (robemaker), Griselda Marchbanks, Rubeus Hagrid, Horac Slughorn, Augusta Longbottom, Muriel Weasley, Mr Ollivander, Elphias Doge, Amelia Bones
Prompt: Every other Friday since no-one-quite-remembers-when, the Poker* Club has been meeting in a back room at the Leaky Cauldron. Not everyone is able to make it every time, of course, and they aren't able to meet at all during the worst years of the first war (c. 1979-81), but otherwise, the Club is a wizarding institution. (*The game doesn't have to be poker or even cards; feel free to substitute any wizarding game. I'd just like to see the atmosphere of a poker club. Something involving wagering.)
Likes: Snark, banter, serious issues mixed in with humor, people being grown-up and IC.
Dislikes: OOC-ness, crack!fic (humor is fine).

Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Hermione Granger
Prompt: In canon, Hermione appears to have a youthful crush on McGonagall, and one can see why: McG is a good model for a bright young girl who is too often derided for her intelligence. In her Head of House, Hermione sees a clever woman who is successful, who is respected (by most people), and who seems to see no need to apologize for being smart or to cover it up. McG obviously thinks highly of Hermione, too, as the whole business with the Time-Turner suggests. I'd like to see a story that explores a friendship that might develop between the two of them once Hermione grows up and leaves school. What effect does the age difference have? How does their former relationship as teacher/student help or hinder the friendship? How do their professional positions (McG as headmistress, Hermione in the Ministry) fit into the friendship? I doubt they'll ever be BFFs, but I can definitely see them having high mutual regard and taking pleasure in each other's company.
Likes: Conversations, wit, scene(s) set outside of Hogwarts. I like grown-up, IC characters.
Dislikes: Crack!fic, suggestions of MM/HG romance, Ron!bashing.

Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Irma Pince or Minerva McGonagall, Poppy Pomfrey
Prompt: A story of strong, exclusive female attachment that defies 20th century categories.
Likes: "Romantic-type" spinster friendship with realistic ups and downs. Nuanced and plausible portrayals of women who possibly might have some conservative notions of gender and yet deliberately live outside the heterosexual norm.
Dislikes: N/a

Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Pomona Sprout
Prompt: Pottermore says they were at school together, and close friends ever since.What do YOU say?
Likes: Canon-compliant.
Dislikes: OOC-ness. The Pottermore version of Elphinstone Urquart. If you want to use the true story, i.e. tetleythesecond's version of events, that's fine (as long as it's fine with Tetley).

Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Pomona Sprout
Prompt: JKR's backstory for McGonagall contains this line: Minerva’s school career overlapped by two years with that of Pomona Sprout, later Head of Hufflepuff House, and the two women enjoyed an excellent relationship both then, and in later years. I'd like a story that focuses on this "excellent relationship," and even more -- I'd like to see something happen to get in the way of this relationship: for whatever reasons you invent, Minerva and Pomona have a falling-out. What happens, and how do they put their friendship back together again?
Likes: Grown-up, IC characters. I prefer them when they are actual adults, not during their student days. I also like details about the day-to-day functioning of the school, staff-room scenes, things students don't see.
Dislikes: I'd really rather not have the falling-out be anything to do with m/f romance -- Minerva steals Pomona's beau, or anything like that. No crack!fic or melodrama.

Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Rose Weasley
Prompt: In her OWL year, Rose's grades drop dramatically. Suspecting that this is Rose's way of rebelling against her powerful mother, Hermione asks Minerva, a close friend of the family, to speak to her. Between the headmistress and the young girl forms an unlikely friendship.
Likes: I'd like to see behind the facade of the stern headmistress. Minerva's decision for an academic career in the wizarding world might have been an act of rebellion, too. (Against her Muggle father, the reverend? Please don't feel obligated to include Pottermore canon. Any backstory is fine with me.) Or maybe Minerva felt that open rebellion wasn't an option since she had to guard her secret life as a lesbian. (I'd love to see her in a relationship with Rolanda Hooch or Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank.)
Hermione I'd like to see as Minister for Magic or in an equally powerful position. Ron could have given up his career to be a stay-at-home dad. Or maybe he left the family, a fact that Rose blames on Hermione's career.
Dislikes: Fluff, happy domesticity, easy solutions.

Characters: Minerva McGonagall and faculty and staff at Hogwarts. No Death-Eaters as main characters, please.
Prompt: It's the year of Snape's headmastership. Canon strongly suggests McGonagall didn't know what was going on and on which side Snape was on. This is not true, though. No matter if she knew all the time, or starts to realise things over time until she is convinced or sure at the time of the duel, and has to walk the fine line between knowing and not letting on about it. It's up to you whether Snape knows she knows, or not, or what kind of information flow between the two exist. They don't need to interact here as well. What I want to see is how McGonagall deals with the knowledge, and how trusted friends she has or forms over this are helping her cope.
Likes: Real people, complex characterisations, interesting backstory, realistic magical and mundane detail of the Potterverse, banter, book canon with the exception of Snape's death, Animagi and animals in general, witty!sarcastic!Snape.
Dislikes: Weak women, OOC, extreme fluff, cruelty, character bashing.

Characters: Mundungus Fletcher, Scabior
Prompt: Is there Honour among Thieves? - Two old "business partners" find themselves on the opposing sides of a war.
Likes: Movie!Scabior
Dislikes: N/a

Characters: Narcissa Malfoy, Severus Snape
Prompt: Narcissa and Snape form a tentative friendship during the war.
Likes: This prompt getting filled! Write what you like, and I'm sure I will enjoy it.
Dislikes: Extreme angst.

Characters: Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood
Prompt: There are some things you can't share without becoming friends. For Harry, Ron, and Hermione, it was a mountain troll. For Neville, Ginny, and Luna, it was something else entirely.
Likes: I'd like to see their friendship explored from the events at the Ministry in OotP through the year at Hogwarts in DH, how they became the leaders of the school rebellion, etc.
Dislikes: AUs, character bashing.

Characters: Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood
Prompt: Neville doesn't always understand everything about Luna, but he knows he can always count on her.
Likes: Canon! Neville/Hannah!
Dislikes: OOCness, 2nd person PoV, Harry not being a nice guy.

Characters: Neville Longbottom, Stan Shunpike
Prompt: Neville is a respectable professor at Hogwarts and beloved by all the wizarding world. Stan Shunpike works as a conductor on the Hogwarts' Express and is a lonely, bitter man who blames everyone but himself for the way his life played out.
Likes: I would love for them to have long, interesting conversations every time Nev takes the train to visit his Gram.
Dislikes: Humiliation and that's pretty much it.

Characters: Next gen, would be great - but if the author wants to use the trio or someones else in their year (Seamus and Dean, or Hannah and Ernie/Justin, for example), knock yourself out.
Prompt: One friend is turned into a werewolf, and the other must come to terms with the change.
Likes: Details about how the condition manifests other than the one night a month would be cool. Would like to see emotional response of both without a lot of angst.
Dislikes: No Marauders for this one, if you please. I prefer canon and the epilogue in tact, but if AU is used for good reason that's fine.

Characters: Percy Weasley, Oliver Wood
Prompt: Oliver was obsessed with Quidditch; Percy could barely stay on a broomstick. Percy was the biggest overachiever at Hogwarts; Oliver did as much as he had to in order to get the grades necessary to stay on the Quidditch team. They had absolutely nothing in common besides their year and their house. And yet, somehow, they became the best of friends, the kind whose friendship can survive anything -- professional Quidditch careers, family betrayal, even a war.
Likes: Span the ages! I'd like to see in school, after school, during the leadup to the war, after the war. A Five Moments style would work really well, I think, but it's not necessary. Also, canon pairings if you use them: Percy/Audrey, but do what you'd like with Audrey if you choose to include her.
Dislikes: No UST undertones between the two. Purely platonic friendship. No Percy bashing.

Characters: Petunia Evans, Eileen Snape
Prompt: What magic has taken.
Likes: No help, indulge yourself.
Dislikes: The same, but note the "Evans" as a suggestion.

Characters: Any combination of Poppy Pomfrey, Irma Pince, Pomona Sprout, Minerva McGonagall, Rolanda Hooch and Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank. Additional characters are welcome.
Prompt: One of the listed women is having a difficult time with/in the job at Hogwarts, for whatever reason you like. Could be being new to the job and having problems getting the hang of it, being fed up with the social isolation of a boarding school, having difficulties maintaining a private life, trouble with students or colleagues - or whatever strikes your fancy.
But getting through it is what friends are for, isn't it?
Likes: Real people, complex characterisations, interesting backstory, realistic magical and mundane detail of the Potterverse, banter, book canon with the exception of Snape's death, Animagi and animals in general, witty!sarcastic!Snape.
Dislikes: Weak women, OOC, extreme fluff, cruelty, character bashing.

Characters: Poppy Pomfrey or Irma Pince with whatever adult character(s) you like to bring. Bonus points if you get Snape in in some way.
Prompt: She is young, a little insecure, new at her job at Hogwarts, and expecting to have to prove her professional worth as a woman. How is she finding her place at Hogwarts? Where does she find help, counsel, and friendship?
Likes: Real people, complex characterisations, interesting backstory, realistic magical and mundane detail of the Potterverse, banter, book canon with the exception of Snape's death, Animagi and animals in general, witty!sarcastic!Snape.
Dislikes: Weak women, OOC, extreme fluff, cruelty, character bashing.

Characters: The Potters (Harry, Ginny and any children), Draco Malfoy
Prompt: The initiative to rehabilitate Death Eaters at the end of their sentences in Azkaban is something Harry feels passionately about. Draco committed petty theft a few years after the war and his suspended five year sentence was put into action. When he comes out, he is left with nowhere to go, and Harry feels obligated to let Draco into his home. He never realised how close his family would become to this man.
Likes: Next-gen kids, as close to canon characterisation as possible, awkwardness, nightmares, interactions between Ginny and Draco/any children and Draco.
Dislikes: Slytherins are amazing/Gryffindors are terrible', misogyny, character bashing.

Characters: Male and female Ravenclaw - maybe someone like Padma Patil and Terry Boot? Your call.
Prompt: "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better" - Annie Get Your Gun.
Likes: Clever, Beatrice-and-Benedick-like banter.
Dislikes: No bitchy!female or douch!male - they can do bitchy and douchy things, but I'd prefer them to be likable.

Characters: Remus Lupin, Hogwarts Castle
Prompt: As a student, before he made life-long friends in the Marauders, Remus was a lonely boy. He found solace and companionship where he could.
Likes: I read a story once with Remus and The Fat Lady that was sexual in nature, but what I loved about it was that Remus had this friendship with such a unique POV and I'd like to see it without the sexual component. Or maybe it's some other portrait, or the Whomping Willow that was planted just for him (blame the wizrock band for that with songs like "Oh, Remus" and "When You Touch Me in My Special Place" :) but again, without the slightly creepy sexual component) anything really.
Dislikes: Nothing I can think of. Keep him in character, or how you reasonable see a 11-13 year old Remus being, and we're cool. :)

Characters: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Prompt: Remus's secret affair with Severus during the first war has been the reason for Sirius to distrust his best friend, ultimately leading to his decision to swap Secret Keeper with Peter. The knowledge of this weighs heavily on them as they try to renew their friendship after the events of GoF.
Likes: Canon compliance! Bastard!Snape. Difficult characters being difficult. Shades of grey. Unhappy Endings. (Feel free to include Sirius's death and show Remus's reaction to it.)
Dislikes: Fluff, happy domesticity, OOC-ness, alpha male!Remus.

Characters: Rita Skeeter, any female character (preferably canon, but OCs are okay, too)
Prompt: Rita Skeeter is successful and attractive (just ask her), the kind of woman that men love and other women hate (unless they want to sleep with her, of course). But recently she's been getting to know someone, someone who isn't a contact or a competing alpha-bitch, someone who doesn't seem to have any sexual interest in her, someone whose company she enjoys despite the fact that she doesn't want anything out of it. Could it be that Rita has a female friend?
Likes: Feel free to interpret this prompt however you like.
Dislikes: Feel free to interpret this prompt however you like.

Characters: Rita Skeeter, witch of choice
Prompt: Every woman needs a good friend. For Rita Skeeter this is ... Either a slice-of-life story where we see the two friends interacting or a plotty one where the friendship evolves over the years, or one where Rita looks back on how it all started - whatever you like, dear author.
Likes: Canon-compliant. Need I say that it would be rather fun if the interaction between the two would pass the Bechdel test?
Dislikes: OOC-ness.

Characters: Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy
Prompt: Ron doesn't understand what his best friend Harry sees in Draco and is less than thrilled about their relationship. Then Harry is injured in the line of duty and lies in a coma in St Mungo's. Ron and Draco get to know each other at the side of Harry's bed.
Likes: I like Ron intelligent and grown up; his rejection of Draco is more due to his lack of understanding than him being malicious. I like Ron with Hermione but it doesn't have to be a big part of the fic.
Dislikes: Hermione picking on Ron and being the one to push him towards Draco.

Characters: Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger
Prompt: They find that they're much better as friends. Does this realization come from the death of their relationship, or do they never have a romantic relationship at all? This could be an AU: they were sorted differently, they don't have magic and live as hipsters in London, Voldemort never existed and their Hogwarts years are peaceful. Or it could be canonical. What is their friendship like? Are they close, or merely acquaintances? If they were romantic, does this fact effect their friendship? Do they argue frequently? How do they change as they grow older - do they grow apart or closer? What do they have in common? I would be interested to see this fic without Harry in the story - maybe he's barely a side character, he doesn't exist at all, or they don't know him. Having the focus on these two instead of Harry would be wonderful.
Likes: Strong characterizations, vivid imagery, simple/clean plots complicated by characters and their quirks, secrets, sunlight, Whomping Willow, walking, London, hair, smoking, the outer shell of the ear.
Dislikes: Porn, pet names/nicknames, focus on plot instead of characters (I love plot, but I think that the characters are the most important thing).

Characters: Rose Weasley, James Potter II
Prompt: Rose's best friend is her cousin, but not the one everyone thinks.
Likes: A well-rounded James beyond just the prankster fanon seems to make him, a Rose not exactly like Hermione, and a hint of Rose/Scorpius would be nice but isn't necessary.
Dislikes: AUs, character bashing, carbon-copy Next Gen kids.

Characters: Severus Snape, anyone
Prompt: Someone being a good friend to Severus even though he is being a big git.
Likes: Surprises, fluff, happy endings, mindfuck, crack.
Dislikes: Horror, incest, abuse, gore, dark!fic.

Characters: Severus Snape and anybody from the people working at Hogwarts, be it faculty, staff, or house-elves.
Prompt: Severus is a loner and/or lonely. Show us an unexpected friendship he forms, no matter when, or with whom - but it must make a difference for him, change his (outlook on) life at least a little to the positive. It doesn't matter if he's a student, teacher or headmaster, and no matter who is befriending him.
Likes: Real people, complex characterisations, interesting backstory, realistic magical and mundane detail, banter, book canon with the exception of Snape's death, Animagi and animals in general, witty!sarcastic!Snape.
Dislikes: Weak women, OOC, extreme fluff, cruelty, character bashing.

Characters: Severus Snape, Kingsley Shacklebolt
Prompt: HBP+; They both know what "going undercover" really means.
Likes: N/a
Dislikes: N/a

Characters: Severus Snape, Nymphadora Tonks
Prompt: OotP: "In another life, it could have been us (but don't ask for what's not within my power to give)."
Likes: UST; Snape being fully aware he will have to break off whatever relationship they have brutally, some day soon.
Dislikes: Woobiefication; adults acting like young teens; character bashing. Plus, for this prompt, Remus/Sirius.

Characters: Sibyl Trelawney, Luna Lovegood and Minerva McGonagall, Hermione Granger
Prompt: Teacher/student friendships. Tell me about the friendships between these two pairs of very different women, the rational and the fanciful.
Likes: Taking all of these women seriously as people.
Dislikes: Pumpkin juice at breakfast. No, not really. Anything that doesn't contradict 'likes' is fair game.

Characters: Any Slytherins
Prompt: “In reality they all lived in a kind of hieroglyphic world, where the real thing was never said or done or even thought, but only represented by a set of arbitrary signs.” -Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence
Likes: Everything!
Dislikes: OOCness/crack, squicky things.

Characters: Any two teachers during OOTP.
Prompt: Their friendship is the only thing that helped them survive this year with Umbridge terrorising teachers and students alike.
Likes: Witty banter, all kinds of magic, canon compatibility, magical creatures, humour.
Dislikes: Cliché and kitch, pregnancies and babies, OOCness, angst, AU in which canon deaths are disrespected, next gen, violence, pwp, non/dub con, Death Eaters.

Characters: Any two teachers or Ministry workers.
Prompt: A new person joins the team, and a senior colleague who just wanted to be nice is thrilled with a surprisingly rewarding friendship.
Likes: Witty banter, all kinds of magic, canon compatibility, magical creatures, humour.
Dislikes: Cliché and kitch, pregnancies and babies, OOCness, angst, AU in which canon deaths are disrespected, next gen, violence, pwp, non/dub con, Death Eaters.

Characters: Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, Millicent Bulstrode
Prompt: Millicent has never stood out for academic achievements. Until Professor Grubbly-Plank starts to teach Care of Magical Creatures. The two bond over their shared love for animals.
Likes: I'd like to see Millicent conflicted between her Slytherin loyalties (please stay with canon and don't attempt to whitewash her; fact is, she has been a member of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad in fifth year) and the set of moral values Wilhelmina (implicitly) teaches her. This could be a tragic story, the story of a friendship doomed to failure (I really really like unhappy endings).
This could also be the story of a friendship that overcomes differences. Maybe even that of a friendship that overcomes infatuation. (I'd love to see Wilhelmina in a relationship with Minerva McGonagall.)
Dislikes: Cruelty to animals. Death of an animal (other character death is fine with me).

Characters: Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, Rolanda Hooch
Prompt: Just this -- tell us the story of their friendship.
Likes: Outdoorsiness, weather-worn faces, Quidditch. I'd love to see them as older women!
Dislikes: OOC'ness

Characters: Young woman, older woman
Prompt: A situation in which neither person wants to have to deal with the other, but for whatever reason, they have to work together, and they end up overcoming their stereotypes and even forging a friendship.
Likes: Realistic presentations, IC-ness.
Dislikes: Crack!fic, stories in which the older women is a feisty cliché or full of folk wisdom or like a delightful granny, etc. I'd like the older woman to be a full, realistic person, not a stereotype. Same with the younger.

Claim a prompt here!

If you have any questions, or if I got anything wrong with one of your prompts, please email us at: friendshipmods[AT]googlemail[DOT]com!
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