Return to Me [Bellatrix - R]

Aug 10, 2012 00:36

Artist: Anonymous
Title: Return To Me
Characters: Bellatrix
Media: Photoshop
Rating: R
Warnings: Blood
Prompt #3: Bellatrix, pre-Azkaban break-out, Azkaban, madness, smell, dark mark
Notes: This prompt jumped at me the minute I read it and I knew exactly what I wanted to draw. For once, I think I was able to bring that image to life. :D Enjoy!! <3
Summary: "I feel Him calling to me and I savor the blood welling from His mark. Oh, that I could join Him this night! But I know that He will be faithful to His own. He will come for me. He will come."


This artwork is the sole property of the artist who created it.
Please do not use it, in whole or in part, without the expressed consent of the artist.

genre: gen, fest: 2012, character: bellatrix, rating: r

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