Fest Info & Rules:
hp_fanart_fest is an anonymous prompt-based fest. We welcome gen, het, slash, femme slash, and moresomes of all ratings. All genres are welcome in this fest! Angst, flangst, fluff, hurt/comfort, romance, drama, humour, etc. If you can draw it, we want it!
Once the fest is over, there will be a fest masterlist/reveal posted. At this point artists will be able to respond to all comments as well as post their submission to their own journal! Please do not respond to comments, crosspost your submission, or reveal which art is yours until after that time.
While this fest offers and accepts art of all ratings, we will not accept NC-17 art from anyone under the age of 18.
All adult content will be labeled and placed behind an lj-cut. If you are not the legal age to view adult content, please do not follow those links. We are not responsible for any adult content that minors may encounter here.
All artwork is the sole property of the artist who created it. Please do not use it, in whole or in part, without the expressed consent of the artist.
Extensions will be judged on an individual basis. Try to give us as much notice as possible, we mods don't love last minute panics, it messes with our pretty schedules!
If you need to drop out for any reason, please send us an email letting us know before the deadline for submissions and there will be no consequences.
Please join/watch
hp_fanart_fest in order to follow the fest!
If you have questions, you may ask them here in the comments. Additionally, you may email the mods directly at: fanartfestmod at gmail dot com
- Prompting will be anonymous
- You may submit as many prompts as you wish.
- Everyone is invited to participate in the prompting process.
- You may leave a prompt without intending to claim one, and vice versa.
- All pairings as well as gen prompts are welcome
- Please do no bash or flame other's prompts.
- Please use the forms supplied below.
- Prompting will close on April 28.
- You may submit either a drabble (word limit 200) or fill out the prompting form.
A drabble or scene (word limit 200)
Drabble may be something never posted before, an existing drabble, or an excerpt from an existing fic. If you are not the author of the drabble/fic, please get permission from the author before submitting it, credit the author appropriately, and include a link to the original.
Using at least three or more of the following categories:
1. Time-period or theme (School years, Epilogue compliant, Post war, Auror training, Pirates, Veela, Vampire, etc)
2. Place (Hogwarts, garden, Quidditch match, etc)
3. Emotion (passion, love, anger, anxiety, happiness, etc)
4. Sense (touch, sight, taste, smell, sound)
5. Object (quill, Slytherin tie, peacock feather, etc)
6. Action (kiss, hex, lick, slam against the wall, etc)
7. Mood (darkness, fog/mist, sunlight/moonlight, firelight/candlelight, storm, sunrise/sunset, heat, freezing, etc)
You must include AT LEAST three of these categories in your request, but including more than three will give artists more flexibility and may increase the chances of your request being claimed.
- Artists may claim only one request at a time.
- Each prompt may be claimed by only one artist.
- You may claim your own prompt.
- If you don't see a prompt that you like, you may create art for your own original idea.
- Claiming by proxy is allowed.
- Claimed prompts will have 'CLAIMED' next to them.
- After you have submitted your entry, you are welcome and encouraged to claim another prompt.
Submission Guidelines:
- Please send your JPEG, PNG or GIF files to fanartfestmod at gmail dot com.
- ALL art MUST be new and drawn specifically for the Fest.
- It should NOT be posted anywhere else until after the fest masterlist is posted.
- When you send your submission please include your name in the email subject.
- Please include your header in the body of the email.
- Once we've confirmed receipt, you may ask for an additional prompt if you so desire.
- The header appears below.
Artist:Title:Pairing:Media: Rating:Warnings:Prompt #:Notes:Summary:Are you over the age of 18: (Your age will not be posted! It is only for mod purposes.)
Thank you to the mods of
hd_fanart for generously sharing the love and permitting us to adapt and modify their fest information, forms and templates.