FIC: Nightmare [Harry/Draco - PG-13]

Dec 17, 2011 21:30

Author: Anonymous
Title: Nightmare
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Harry. Past references of Harry/Charlie.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death (not Harry or Draco) and MPREG.
Word Count: 1,757 words
Prompt: 123. Harry/Draco - mpreg - one of them is pregnant and the other knows it's not his baby but can't face losing the other. (submitted by winterstorrm)
Notes: Thank you to my beta, dl. Prompter, I know that this probably isn’t the way you expected the story to go and I’m sorry, it just led itself into a different direction than I had first anticipated it going. And I’m sorry it’s so short. I wrote it thinking the story had to be between 100 to 2,000 words and before I realized it could be longer, it was already written! I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Draco rested the glass of water on the table and sat down in the spare seat beside his boyfriend. He raised a hand to Harry’s back and rubbed it gently.

“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked quietly, unsure how to go about this. He wasn’t used to dealing with this sort of stuff. He had promised Harry that he would try and he wanted this to work. So Draco tried to go about it the way Granger had taught him to. She specifically told him that he needed to be patient with Harry if he loved him. He had to understand what he was going through, she said, and he had to be there to listen. Draco really was trying.

“I just had a bad nightmare,” Harry replied just as quietly. His hand was rested on his large stomach as he petted it gently. His gaze flicked down to it, before he raised his eyes again quickly. He was still scared to stare at his pregnant belly for too long. “I’m sorry.”

Draco shook his head. “Don’t be.” He continued to rub Harry’s back in small circular motions. “The same dream?”

Harry swallowed. “Why are you with me, Draco?”

Draco sighed. “I thought we went through this before, Harry.” He knew that Harry was afraid that he would choose to walk away, but he wouldn’t. He loved the idiotic Gryffindor too much.

“Right. Right. You’ve wanted me since sixth year.” Harry shakily gripped the glass and brought it to his dry, chapped lips. He swallowed the water as though he was a dehydrated man left in a desert.

“We’ll get through this together, yeah?” The words felt unfamiliar on his tongue. He wasn’t used to being this supportive of someone. But in the last four months he had grown, Draco had expanded his maturity towards other people’s emotions, or more specifically, his boyfriend’s emotions. While he had helped Harry, Harry had helped him just as much.

“This isn’t your baby, Draco,” Harry whispered, shaking his head as he rested the glass on the table. “This isn’t your responsibility.”

Draco lowered his hand to rest it on the back of Harry’s seat and leaned forward. He whispered into his ear, “Do you feel something for me, Harry? Will you love me eventually?”

“Yes,” Harry whispered. His voice was shaky and Draco knew from experience that tears were welling in his eyes.

“Then I’m staying. I’m not giving up on you.” He kissed Harry lightly on his heated cheek. “I love you.”

Harry swallowed and turned his head. He pressed his lips against Draco’s and raised his hands, cupping Draco’s face. His kisses were sloppy and wet from the tears that slid down his pale cheeks. He pulled away from Draco and wiped at his face angrily, where the tears left stains as they trickled down the soft skin. Harry then wiped at his red eyes angrily and hissed, it sounded awfully close to being parseltongue. “Fuck these hormones. I hate this.”

Draco smirked and raised a hand, running the knuckle of his forefinger over Harry’s face to catch another stray tear. “Come on, Potter, you’re acting like a girl.”

Harry growled and swatted at Draco’s arm. The laugh from the pregnant man told Draco he had accomplished his aim to make him at least smile. “You try being pregnant. I don’t know how women do it.”

Draco shrugged. “They were born to do it. Bloody emotional lot, they are. There is a reason I’m gay.” He grinned and leaned forward to press a light kiss against Harry’s lips. “Now don’t change the topic. Tell me about the dream.”

Harry licked his lips and exhaled. He glanced down at his belly again, but like usual, his eyes darted straight up to look at Draco. “It’s the same as the other times. Just replaying in my head.” He pursed his lips and Draco saw him breathe deeply to stop the tears that were threatening to appear again. “It’s the day we went to Muggle London. Charlie is smiling at me. He’s reaching out for me and then they come out of an alleyway behind him and …” He choked on his words and wound his whole arm around his belly, holding onto it as if it was for dear life.

Draco wrapped his arm around his shoulders. He pulled him against his bare chest, resting Harry’s head right against the spot where he could hear his heartbeat. Harry was always comforted by hearing it. “Its okay, Harry. It’s okay.”

“No!” Harry shook his head and tried to push away. Draco only held onto him tighter, refusing to let him go. “We should never have gone there. I could have saved him, Draco. I saw them come out of the alleyway, but I was just so shocked to see Death Eaters and …” he broke into sobs again.

“Charlie loved you. You’re carrying his child. He could never have asked more from you.” He hated talking about Weasley, but whether he liked it or not, the man was the father of Harry’s unborn child.

“I should have saved him,” Harry murmured gently, clenching his eyes closed.

Draco sighed. Harry was tired, which wasn’t making the situation any better. Draco released Harry from his hold, which caused his boyfriend to whimper, and stood to walk to his potion cabinet.

“I betrayed him, Draco. I should not have moved on. I shouldn’t have. It was only two months after he died.” More tears escaped and he choked on his words. His body had started to shake and he clenched his fist and brought it to his mouth, biting down on his hand. He always did that in an attempt to control his emotions.

“Harry, you needed me, just as much as I needed you,” Draco said, opening the cupboards. The doors creaked loudly, echoing through the quiet room. He pulled out his dreamless sleep potion and walked back over to Harry. “The Weasleys don’t hate you, they are grieving.” Merlin, he hated that family. Didn’t they understand that Harry needed them just as much as they needed him? And yet they blamed him for finding comfort in Draco’s arms? It was unfair on Harry. But Draco knew they would come around eventually. They were too much of a goody two shoes not to.

“They have a right to hate me,” Harry stared at the potion in Draco’s hand and shook his head, “I don’t want to take it, Draco.”

Draco uncorked the vial and handed it to him. “You don’t get a choice, Harry. You need sleep, for the baby at least. These dreams are slowly killing you.”

Harry hesitated. He stood awkwardly and Draco reached out to steady him. Harry waddled closer to his boyfriend and leaned against him, resting his head once more against his chest. Draco’s arms surrounded the pregnant man the best he could and he sighed. It would get better.

“I don’t want to forget him,” Harry finally whispered after a moment of silence.

“Harry, you’ll never forget him. Your child will know about him.” Draco ran a hand over Harry’s head, smoothing down the wild, uncontrollable black hair. It was hard to believe he used to tease him about his hair, when these days it was one of countless things he loved about him.

“Our child, Draco,” Harry pulled back enough to look up at Draco and smile. “If you want this child.”

Draco smiled and laid a soft kiss on his sweaty forehead. “Our child, Harry. I will love him as if he was my own son.”

Harry pursed his lips. He ran a hand down the side of Draco’s face and his eyes closed at the touch. These touches were happening more with every passing day and each time it happened, Draco relished in the feel of Harry’s touch. “Draco, I don’t love you yet, but I care very deeply for you. And one day, I will love you.”

Harry’s words sent a sharp jolt of happiness through him. Draco opened his eyes and smirked, “of course you will, I’m a Malfoy after all.”

Harry chuckled and looked down at the potion in his hand. He sighed and took a large swig of it, grimacing at the sour taste. Draco knew he hated taking it, but Harry loved his child and he would always put him first. It was his nature.

“Come on, Harry, let’s get you back to bed.”

Harry nodded and slipped his hand into Draco’s. They smiled at each other as Draco led them up the stairs and into their bedroom. The room was still dark and the sheets on their bed were rumpled from Harry kicking at them just an hour before. Draco and Harry smoothed them out before Harry slid into bed, Draco right beside him.

Harry sighed as he turned on his side, trying to get comfortable with his large belly. Draco knew he couldn’t wait to give birth to his son and he didn’t blame him. Draco sidled up behind him and wrapped his arm around him, resting his hand on his belly. His fingers slipped under Harry’s large shirt and traced imaginary lines on the expanded skin. It usually worked wonders in getting Harry to sleep, and it did so this time too. Soon Harry’s light snores filled the room. Draco smiled lightly and lifted himself up on his elbow. He stared down at the belly, before licking his lips and taking a deep breath.

“I don’t know you yet and you’re not mine, kid, but I’m going to be your daddy. I’m going to raise you and protect you as if you were my own. I’m going to interrogate every person you start a relationship with and I’m going to treat you like you’re made of china. I’m going to be a better father than Lucius and you better get used to it because I love your dad and I love you and I’m not going anywhere.”

With a final smile, Draco rested his head on the pillow and pulled Harry back against him. He pressed a kiss against the dark hair and let himself drift off to sleep.

Little did Draco know, the man next to him was awake, eyes open slightly as he listened to his boyfriend talk to their unborn child. He smiled slightly and closed his eyes again. He didn’t love Draco yet, but at this rate, it wouldn’t be long before he did. They would get through this together.

pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg-13, !winter2011, !round5, slash, fic

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