FIC: Playing the Game [Albus/Scorpius, Harry/Scorpius - NC-17]

Dec 13, 2011 21:06

Author: Anonymous
Title: Playing the Game
Characters/Pairings: AS/S, H/S, and mentions of H/D
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Angst, Graphic M/M sexual content, infidelity, some smoking and drinking
Word Count: 3185
Prompt: 120. Scorpius is love with his stepfather Harry. (submitted by winterstorrm
Notes: Thanks so much to drarryxlover for the beta :D You're the best! Also, I hope you like this, winterstorrm this is a great prompt and I hope I did it justice!

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to present to you Mr and Mr Malfoy-Potter!"

The audience erupted in applause and Scorpius looked around at all the happy faces. He looked back up at the raised dais on which his father and, now, step father were standing. They made a stunning couple he would be the first to admit that, Draco's light hair was the perfect balance to Harry's dark tones.

Scorpius' stomach felt like a stone had dropped in it as his father and new step-father kissed and turned, grinning, to the crowd. They followed out in the normal procession and stood at the back of the hall thanking their guests as they all headed to the reception area for cocktails. Scorpius faked a smile as everyone congratulated them on their new family. Scorpius had to fight the bile at that. Harry should never have married his father, he should have been his.

By the time their cake was cut Scorpius was seething inside. He shot glares at his father, although he tried so hard to refrain from making it noticeable. Unfortunately his new step-brothers definitely noticed. It wasn't long before he found himself cornered by the two Potter boys in a side corridor.

"I don't know what the hell your problem is, Malfoy, but if you make our father unhappy in the least, you'll have both of us to answer to!" James emphasised his point with a finger pressing into Scorpius' chest. James made full advantage of his bulky size; he definitely had more of the Weasley blood flowing through his veins. "Our dad has been lonely a long time and if he's happy with yours, you had better damn well accept it. Got it?"

"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Potter!" Scorpius snarled into the larger teen's face, "I have nothing against your father and I won't be doing anything to fuck with his happiness." He brushed his long blonde hair out of his face and looked expectantly at the boys who were currently blocking his exit out onto the veranda. Albus looked at him curiously, a strange glint in his eyes as he silently moved to the side, allowing Scorpius to escape.

He breathed in the cool night air as he lit his cigarette and leaned against the stone railing inhaling deeply. Scorpius closed his eyes, enjoying the slow burn as the smoke filled his lungs and exhaled smoothly. He opened his eyes at the sound of a scuff on the stone a few feet away, his eyes landing on the slim form of Albus Potter. In Scorpius' alcohol soaked brain he realized just how much the youngest Potter boy looked like his father. In fact, if he looked just right, he could easily pretend.

"Come to give me another lecture on your father's virtues? Didn't your brother do a good enough job?"

"I'm here because I want to be. I have my own reasons for being happy for this marriage. For one, it brings me closer to you." Albus moved closer, reaching a hand out slowly to move a lock of the white silk-like hair out of the blond's face. "I've been waiting to have a moment like this for a long time."

Scorpius allowed the other boy to move in, knowing in his mind that the only reason he was going through with it was because of Albus' resemblance to his father. Dropping his cigarette Scorpius blindly ground out the butt with his boot as he leaned to meet the black haired boy in the middle, mouths tasting each other, tentatively at first, then more hungrily as the kiss deepened. Albus' hands clutched at the fine material of Scorpius' clothes, almost like he was afraid that the other boy would flee. Scorpius raised his hands, allowing them to stroke Albus' back firmly, pushing one knee in between the other boy's. Their hardened cocks pushed against each other and Albus moaned into Scorpius' mouth then pulled away, gasping for air. "Want to get out of here?"

Scorpius chuckled at the boldness of his new step-brother. He stroked his hand down the black haired boy's face, running his thumb lightly over kiss swollen lips. "Sure," he said "I've got a flat nearby, go make your excuses and meet me in the atrium in 5."

Soon enough both boys stumbled out into the side garden, disappearing with the pop of Apparition.

2 years later

Scorpius stretched languidly in his and Albus' shared bed as the scent of cooking bacon made his mouth salivate. It had been 2 years since their fathers wed, and it seemed that their marriage was perfect. Albus hadn't let go of Scorpius since that night either and he had moved into Scorpius' flat shortly after. Scorpius had never gotten over Harry though, and he knew that the only reason he was still with Albus was his resemblance to the older man. The guilt ate him up, and he knew that he would need to break it off soon or else he would be trapped for life. Albus had already been hinting at settling down, getting married, but Scorpius balked at the mention, changing the subject every time. He knew Al was getting suspicious and was none too happy with him, but he had dug himself in deep and didn't know how to get out.

It was their parents' anniversary tonight, as well as their own and they were having a double party at a trendy dance club in Muggle London. Scorpius knew that at least a few people would be expecting him to propose, but they would be left wanting. He planned on drinking himself stupid and trying to forget his problems for the night.

He looked over at the empty pillow and listened for the sounds of Al bustling around the kitchen, making breakfast. He rose from the bed, feet padding softly as he walked out to the kitchen coming up behind Al and reaching his arms around him, nuzzling into the soft hair at the nape of his neck. Al chuckled softly, pushing his pyjama-clad arse back into Scorpius' naked groin. Scorpius breathed in the freshly showered scent wafting up from the skin under his nose and backed up a bit. "So what's for breakfast, lovely?"

Al turned, spatula in hand and smiled. "I thought I would make you a special treat," He leaned in and kissed Scorpius' nose, "Bacon and eggs and pancakes. Just go sit down and it will be ready in a minute." Al went back to the stove, dishing up the food and bringing it to the table. "So are you ready for tonight? You have your clothes picked out, right; and the gift for Dad and Draco?"

Scorpius smiled as he buttered his pancakes, "Of course, dear, everything's ready. Now let's eat so I can take you back to bed and give you your present.

The loud music was thumping even outside the club as the group approached. There were at least 10 of them, couples of varying ages all there to celebrate the 2 year anniversary of both Harry and Draco, and their sons, Scorpius and Albus.

They passed the security guard with only a quick check to be sure their names were on the VIP list, and made their way inside. Bright lights flashed through the darkness, illuminating the twisting, turning bodies on the dance floor. Go-go dancers were performing in cages hung strategically throughout the room. Al, Scorpius and their fathers and friends danced for hours, taking breaks in between to rest and drink.

By the time they were ready to leave Scorpius was more than intoxicated and he could tell that at least a few people, his father included, were quite disappointed in him for his behaviour of the evening. He would be the first to admit it he had been rather an asshole most of the night. Al practically had to carry him out of the bar and to the Apparition point where he side-alonged him home.

The feel of Apparition seemed to have sobered up Scorpius just enough to make him horny as hell. He reached for Al, tugging on the soft silk shirt that clung to his form, ripping free a few buttons before Al took over, releasing the rest. Scorpius looked into the beautiful green eyes of his lover, and caressed the bare skin revealed by the falling shirt. He kissed and licked all over the exposed chest and dropped to his knees to free the hard cock from its confines. He mouthed the shaft as he worked his way down to the furry balls and started suckling them lightly. Al's hands fisted in his hair and pulled Scorpius' mouth up until it was lined up with the purple head. His mouth engulfed the turgid flesh, sliding up and down applying suction until Al pulled him off completely, dragging him to the bedroom.

Scorpius tumbled onto the bed, lying back as Al tugged his trousers and pants off to return the favour. As his mouth descended on Scorpius' erection, Scorpius ran his hands through the soft black curls. Al looked up through his fringe and just for that moment Scorpius' alcohol soaked brain forgot itself.

"Harry..." he moaned. Al's head shot up so fast, Scorpius was confused as to why there was so much cold air hitting his prick. Suddenly he realized what he had just said, the blood draining from his face as he took in Al's stricken face. "Al, I'm sorry, I don't know-"

"SAVE IT! I'm out of here!" Al pulled a t-shirt from a nearby chair and stretched it over his head, straightening his pants and Apparating from their bedroom.

Scorpius sat shaking and crying, his head cleared by the frightful events and sobbed as he felt his world crumble around him.

Harry sat stunned as his youngest son slept peacefully on their couch. He had shown up in the middle of the night, drunk and full of tears. It had taken quite a bit to pry out of him what had happened, but after Draco had gone on to bed leaving Harry to console his distraught child, Albus finally opened up. It seemed that his future son-in-law, or so they all thought, had been unfaithful, at least in his mind. Albus told Harry everything and after he had fallen asleep Harry had no idea what to think. Scorpius was pretending Al was... Him?

He tucked a blanket around the peaceful form of his son and made his way to the bedroom he shared with his husband. He didn't know what he was going to do about this. How was he supposed to tell Draco? He took off his clothes mindlessly, climbing between the sheets next to Draco and resting his arms around the sleeping blonde. "Hmm...Is everything okay Harry?" Draco asked sleepily.

"Go back to sleep, Babe. We'll talk in the morning." Harry snuggled in close and fell into a fitful sleep.

It had been 3 days since the night Al found his way back to Harry and Draco's home. Harry had told Draco everything and he had tried to talk to Scorpius but the young man wasn't allowing any Floo calls. The knowledge of what had happened weighed heavily on Harry's mind. Two years was a long time for his son to be in a sham of a relationship. In a way though, Harry felt like it was almost a blessing. How much worse would it have been if they had gotten married and started a family?

Draco had just left for a business trip, leaving Harry alone in the house with Al. They enjoyed a quiet dinner before Al decided to take his older brother up on his offer of a night out at the pub. James promised to take care of him for the night so Harry was left on his own with only his thoughts for company. He tried to distract himself with the telly, but it was no use; he couldn't get Scorpius Malfoy out of his mind.

Finally he couldn't stand anymore and gathering his resolve he walked out the door and apparated to his son's former residence.

The pounding on the door roused Scorpius from his fitful sleep. The house was a mess of takeaway containers and empty liquor bottles. He scratched his unshaven face and pulled on some boxers on his way to the front door "Who is it?"

"Let me in, Scorpius, I need to talk to you," Harry pled through the door. Scorpius groaned a flush rising to his cheeks. He was probably the last person he wanted to see.

"Go away! I have nothing to say!"

"Just let me in already!"

Scorpius turned around, planning on going back to the living room and ignoring his unwanted guest. Really, what did Harry think he was doing coming here? Wasn't there enough damage done already? There was a crash as the door hit the wall, Harry stumbling in after obviously dismantling the locks. "Scorpius, I'm going to turn on some lights okay?" Scorpius grumbled and started scouring the nearby bottles for some dregs of whiskey, peering into the openings like they were filled with fine diamonds.

Harry walked into the room and took in the mess surrounding them. "I take it things haven't been going well" he observed, "Al told us what you said. Is it true? "

Scorpius groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. He really didn't want to have this conversation but now there was no way around it. "Yes," The answer came so softly that Harry wasn't completely sure that he had heard it at all. He looked at the blond intently waiting for further reply. "What does it matter? You're married to my father; you're my fucking step-father for fucks sake!" Scorpius' voice was rising in volume with each syllable until he was in near hysterics. His body shook as the tears started to fall from his eyes. He started to stand, intending on fleeing the room, but Harry darted forward using his seeker like reflexes and grabbed his arm.

"Its okay, Scorpius, you don't have to run, I'm here, I want to know." Harry pulled the slim blond into his embrace. He let one hand trail down his spine, the other rubbing circles in the silky white strands. How like his father this young man was. Harry's body reacted to the similarity predictably, unable to differentiate between the man in his arms and his own husband albeit a much younger model.

Scorpius nuzzled his face into Harry's neck, breathing in the scent of the man he had desired for so long. He placed an open mouthed kiss on the skin beneath him. Harry moaned softly, fighting the urge to pull the boy closer when he knew he should be pushing him away. His resolve crumbled when he felt the hardness pressing against his leg. He ground into the body against his with his own arousal, pulling the young man closer after sliding his hands down to his arse.

Scorpius moaned at the realization that if he played it right all of his fantasies would be coming true. He let his arms run down the older man's back to caress the tight muscles under the shirt. He caught Harry's mouth with his own, teasing his lips with his tongue, gently asking for entry. Harry opened his mouth under the onslaught allowing his own tongue to engage in a battle of wills. His blood was boiling and he found himself pulling at the young blonde's clothes, seeking the smooth flesh underneath. Scorpius writhed, helping Harry remove the offending clothing, then going to work on Harry's. The second their bare chests touched it was like a fire ignited in their bellies, their movements becoming more frantic, hands touching, grasping whatever was in reach.

Scorpius led the way to the bedroom where the rest of their clothes were quickly shed. He lay back on the soft mattress, drinking in the sight of the man of his dreams standing before him. Harry approached the bed and crawled up over Scorpius, mouth leaving kisses and small bites across the pale body before him. Scorpius keened as he felt a hot mouth engulf one of his nipples, the sensations short-circuiting his brain. Harry moved back down and pausing for a moment to look into the grey eyes watching him, took the hard flesh into his mouth. One of his hands reached up blindly, and Scorpius quickly handed him the lubricant that sat on the bedside stand. Slicking up his fingers Harry prepared his young lover, stretching him gently while coaxing his orgasm free with his mouth.

Scorpius threw his head back into the pillows as stars burst behind his eyelids. His orgasm came quickly, almost taking him by surprise and he screamed grasping Harry's hair in a vice like grip. Harry suckled the last bit of cum from the spent prick and moved up, slicking his cock and lining it up for entry. He pushed in slowly, watching Scorpius' face for any sign of pain but the young man was so far gone he felt nothing but the aftershocks of his orgasm until Harry's erection bumped against his prostate. His eyes shot open and he raked his nails down Harry's back before wrapping his legs around his waist and pulling him as close as he could.

Harry tried to keep his control but the sight of the lithe blonde writhing beneath him, so much like his father, sent him sliding towards the edge. His thrusts became frenzied, jerkier, and before he knew it he was crying out his release, slamming his hips forward and burying himself to the hilt. Scorpius grasped onto the sweaty man in front of him with one hand, the other on his own cock and with a few short tugs he felt his release for the second time. Harry pulled out slowly and crawled up to hold Scorpius close and the young man felt his exhaustion overtake him.

Scorpius woke to a sunny morning and a cold bed. He reached next to him but there was no warmth in the sheets and no sign that he had ever been anything but alone. He stretched and felt the pleasant burn that assured him that it hadn't been a dream. A slip of parchment caught his attention and he snatched it off the pillow.


Last night was a mistake, I never should have come. I hope you will understand that your discretion is of the upmost importance to me. You're a lovely boy, but I am in love with your father and beyond that, I don't know how I can even associate with you anymore after what you did to my son. I'm sure things will work themselves out in the end, but for now, this is goodbye.


Scorpius' eyes filled with tears and he crumpled the notes, curling into a ball and shaking with the force of his sobs. He knew the game he was playing, and he lost. He was alone.

pairing: harry/scorpius, pairing: albus/scorpius, !winter2011, !round5, slash, rating: nc-17, fic

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