FIC: Heatwave [Draco/Harry]

Sep 02, 2015 10:47

Title: Heatwave
Author/Artist: hp_darkangel
Prompt: # 53 by susan5124
Pairing(s): Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count/Art Medium: 2070
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): NA
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Thanks so much to my beta williamsnickers for suffering through the first read of this story and helping me to get it to where it is now. You are awesome.
Summary: There is a heatwave going on and Harry has issues keeping cool.

Harry walked into his flat groaning. The heat was unbearable. He hung his Auror robes up on the coat hanger in the hall before making his way into the sitting room. Draco had already got home, Harry could tell from the paperwork that littered the coffee table and desk. It hadn't been an ideal solution, this living together business, but when Harry had vouched for Draco and Narcissa during their trials it had been decided that, while Narcissa would serve a ten year house arrest for her part in the war, Draco needed supervision. and because Harry had vouched for him, it would have to be Harry that was responsible for him. So they became roommates three years ago. It had been a rocky start and there had been frequent arguments at first. Harry had become quite adept at cleaning as well as mending charms as a result of all their fights. Now they lived in relative peace, both having jobs and lives that went separate ways.

"Draco, I'm back!" Harry shouted, before heading towards his bedroom. He quickly changed out of his uniform, putting it in the laundry basket before changing in a light cotton shirt and khaki shorts. Even with less layers on, Harry was soaked in sweat. He considered getting a shower, but decided it could wait until after dinner.

He made his way into the kitchen to put together a light salad, reapplying the cooling charm as he went. But either he wasn't casting right or the heat was actually breaking through the charm because the spell did nothing to take the edge off. Harry's skin still prickled with the heat and sweat.

His mind wandered as his hands worked. The first Christmas they had spent together had been a turning point. plenty of Firewhisky and a happy atmosphere had helped them to open up to one another. Draco had admitted the reason he had been a little arsehole over the years were due to jealousy of Ron’s friendship with Harry and the hurt he had felt from his first ever rejection. Harry had explained his reasons for refusing. Mainly it had been Draco's attitude, and the fact he had insulted Harry’s friends from their first meeting.

Since then, they had become friends, but in the week since this heat wave had begun, Harry's thoughts of Draco had begun to wander into other avenues. Draco had taken to working with no shirt on, allowing Harry to admire the other man's body. Harry had tried to be sly about peeking, but he was sure Draco had noticed the attention.

Harry was sure it was the bleeding heat that was making him randy. Not to mention, having a good looking roommate who insisted on being half naked most of the time didn't help matters at all. He had already been to see his fuck buddy a couple of times this week, just so he could sleep without waking up wet and sticky. No doubt he would be visiting his friend again tonight.

"Draco, dinner’s ready!" Harry shouted, moving to take the plates of salad to the table. He startled as he spotted a figure in the doorway, plates crashing to the floor as he was struck dumb by the pale, wet skin on show.

"I take it dinner isn't ready then?" Draco commented, a smirk gracing his lips as he watched Harry fluster. Harry shook himself, taking out his wand to clear the mess.

"Go get some clothes on," Harry tried to order him, his voice shaking as he guided the dishes to the sink.

"It's too hot for clothes," Draco responded, his tone bored, moving into the room. Harry averted his eyes, even as other parts of his anatomy made their interest known.

"You can't walk around naked, go get some underwear on at least," Harry told him, but the breathy tone made it sound like he was begging. Draco laughed and sauntered right up to him.

"No," He breathed in Harry's ear, before moving away again. "It's too hot, my clothes are irritating me and I won't be wearing them. Stop being a prude and feed me," Draco laughed at him, taking a seat at the table. Harry didn't turn to look at him until he had fixed another two plates of salad. He managed not to drop the plates this time as he set his eyes on his blond roommate.

Draco had slouched in his seat, pale legs spread wide so his long member almost touched the chair. His pale chest rose and fell slowly, pink nipples peaked, surrounded by a dusting of blonde hair. Being a paper pusher hadn't damaged Draco physique. His chest showed toned muscle beneath the skin.

"Like what you see?" Draco smiled, sitting up straighter.

"Pack it in," Harry quickly set the plates on the table, before taking his seat. He tried to ignore his erection as he began to eat his salad. They chatted about inconsequential things as they enjoyed their salad. Once they finished their meal, Harry stood up. "Can you wash up while I take a shower? This weather is awful."

"Sure," Draco smiled. Harry didn’t trust the smile, especially on that Slytherin face. He made his way cautiously to his bedroom. When they moved in together, one of the many arguments was over the bathroom. Draco appeared to need half a lifetime to get ready before going out, and Harry didn’t have the patience, nor the time to accommodate Draco’s needs. Therefore, they decided to build bathrooms in each of their rooms instead of fighting to use the main one.

He locked his bedroom door, not trusting the mischievous nature of his roommate, before stripping and heading to his bathroom. He turned on the shower, setting the temperature so it was cool but not startlingly cold. He wished to cool down, not shrink his men parts. Looking in the mirror, he admired his physique for a minute.

His Auror training had put some more meat on his bones, all of it muscle. Harry had never been fat, but he had broadened thanks to the physical aspects of his job. He had a few more scars, but the one that had plagued him during his childhood had faded to a silver mark. He had had his eyes corrected a year into his training, growing fed up of his instructors knocking them off his face to make him an easier target.

He turned back to the shower and climbed in, groaning as the cool water started running over the planes of his body, soothing and cooling the skin it touched. Bracing both hands on the cool tiles, he lowered his head into the stream of water allowing it to run down his toned back. He groaned again, his dick beginning to swell once more, as images of Draco walking around naked began to invade his mind.

The sharp edges, pale skin and the length of the man. He had been flaccid and still been around 5 inches. Harry's mind provided the image of what it would look like erect and he practically growled as one hand left the wall to stroke down his body. He began by teasing the joint of his neck and shoulder, stroking it lightly with his fingers, imagining it was Draco's tongue doing the same. A shiver ran through his body as he moved to his nipples, squeezing them lightly, before running a rough finger over the tightened nub. His hips thrust uncontrollably.

Stroking lightly down his solid stomach, he was too focused on his own fantasies to hear the door open and shut behind him. Harry moaned as his hand encircled his heated member, stroking slowly from root to tip, then teasing the head. Harry jumped as a new pair of arms encircled him, firm chest pressing up against his back, just as a hand reached around to tease his nipples.

"Shhh," Draco soothed, as the water ran down his body slicking his chest. Harry let go of himself as Draco's fingers sent renewed shivers through his body.

"We shouldn't, " Harry's voice quivered, as Draco's hand reached around and encircled him. The cool water making him shake as his skin burned with arousal, the conflicting sensation seemed to heighten his sense of touch.

"I said shhh," Draco told him. Harry could hear the smirk in his voice as Draco's length pressed against his behind. Harry braced himself against the wall as Draco began to run his hands up and down Harry's dick, just like he had seen the dark haired man do to himself.

"Oh god," Harry's head lolled back as Draco teased the head of his cock. Draco smiled as he ran his hand up the other man’s cock, running his thumb over the slit as his fist twisted around the head lightly. Draco felt Harry's leg quiver, the man almost losing the ability to stand.

Draco kissed the back of Harry's neck before moving to lick and suckle on Harry's earlobe. Harry groaned at the new sensation, his hips moving on their own accord. He thrust himself into Draco's hand, before pushing back against the hard length that stroked over his twitching entrance. "More. . ." Harry groaned as his orgasm came closer. "Fuck . . . Oh god, fuck me."

Draco growled at the request, his own pleasure steadily increasing with Harry's movements. Water was ok for a hand job, but he would need something slicker to ease his passage into the warm, wet body in front of him. He cast a silent lubrication spell on Harry, satisfied with the moan it caused in his partner. Harry arched as Draco ran his fingers down his spine, before teasing the tight ring of muscles.

Slowly, Draco eased a finger into Harry, pleased to find Harry already fairly loose. He quickly progressed to three fingers, slowly easing the digits into Harry. He twisted and stroked, drawing moans and pleas out of Harry. He tormented his roommate, enjoying the fact he was finally going to have the Gryffindor. Harry pushed back on his fingers, begging for more. Draco would show him more.

Pulling his fingers free, he grasped the base of his cock. After a quick lubrication spell, Draco stroked himself before positioning himself at Harry's slick entrance. Kissing the base of Harry's neck, Draco pushed forward inch by torturous inch groaning as he was enveloped.

Harry calmed himself, allowing the invasion even as he felt the familiar burn at the base of his spine. He knew the pain would pass soon. He pushed himself back until he could feel Draco's hips on his buttocks. Draco had stilled, taking deep breaths to calm himself. "Merlin, Draco move . . . " Harry groaned, pulling himself forward a little, before pushing back so Draco was fully inside again. Pain morphing to pleasure.

Draco needed no more encouragement. He pulled out slowly, almost all the way, before thrusting in hard. They filled the bathroom with groans and the sound of skin connecting. Once he was confident Harry enjoyed it rougher, Draco pressed the other man flush against the cool tiles, taking him hard, at an almost painful rate.

Harry's senses were overloaded by the coolness at his chest and the heat at his back, as he was repeatedly filled. He pushed back eagerly taking everything Draco gave him. This was nothing like his fantasies, it was in every way more. Harry reached down, giving his cock the attention it was missing. He stroked himself almost frantically, needing release like he needed air.

Both men could feel the pleasure building in their bodies, demanding release, and when Draco accidentally grazed over Harry's prostate, they both found it. Harry howled as his body seemed to explode from inside out, spurting all over the tiles, his body tensing to the point of breaking. Draco quickly followed as Harry's body clenched, shockwaves spreading throughout him, as he grunted his release. He grasped at Harry's hips, keeping him in place as he rode the waves of his orgasm.

They both crumbled to the floor of the shower, their bones turning to jelly. The water washed away all evidence of their activities as they tried to regain a steady breath. "You know, you were right," Harry piped up after a few minutes of silence.

Draco smirked before asking, "in regards to?"

"It is too hot for clothes," Harry smiled as he answered. This heatwave might be fun after all.

!2015, rating: nc-17, pairing: harry/draco, character: draco malfoy, character: harry potter

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